Bevan drew them close together, beaming at the crowd, then the new couple. He spoke of the bonds of vows, but the deeper unification that came from two Alver’s becoming one. He explained their power would swell, they’d give and take from the other.

A sting burned behind my eyes. I gripped Kase’s hand. He glanced at our fingers, offered a gentle smile, then kissed the tops of my knuckles.

“You were worth it all, Nightrender,” I whispered. “Every bad memory, every beautiful one, you were worth it for this life we now live.”

Kase swallowed. He kissed me quickly, then forced himself to watch the vows of his Kryv and our brother.

Strange to think of all the pieces that brought us here. Those nights in the hayloft where I was certain the skinny boy beside me would always be with me. The wretched turns where he wasn’t. Then, to find him as the feared villain of the East—as I told him, I would not take it back.

My heart was always devoted to him. Always.



“This is goingto be a disaster, sweet menace.” Ari crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m telling you. I pride myself on my logic, my ability for reason, but not on this. Notthis.”

I chuckled and pecked his lips. “I think you’re being a bit overbearing.”

“Overbearing, she says.” He scoffed. “Overbearing would be chaining the girl to my wrist and dragging her to this dull council instead of allowing her to attend a masque—a bleeding ball—where stupid, feckless boys will be pawing at her, and don’t say they won’t be, she’s gods-awful lovely and I’ve been a stupid, feckless boy before.”

I kissed Ari a little longer this time. First, for my sheer enjoyment. Second, because it soothed his busy tongue and mind.

When I pulled back, his shoulders relaxed a bit. “Ari, I love you.”

“This, I know.” He kissed the tip of my nose. “But that is not the point of this discussion, wife. I’m going to box her away. I’ve officially become that father and it’s an awful look on me. I’m not this man. I’m levelheaded—”

“I would challenge that.”

“Inmostthings,” he insisted. “When it comes to this, no. I’m a fiend, and I plan to become so should one sod give her the slightest salacious glance.”

Gods, I loved this man. He was utterly enraptured by me, by our daughter, and he proved it every sunrise, and every sunset. Some might laugh, thinking Ari was merely attempting to be humorous, but in truth, he would start an entire war all over again should someone break his girl’s heart.

“She’s sixteen, Ari,” I said, trying to be reasonable. “It is bound to happen.”

“I detest that answer. Tell the others I must skip this turn’s festivities out of illness. Mira came down with it too. We’ll stay here.”

“Maj!” As if summoned, Mira burst into the room. Her dark, wispy curls were a bit wild, and her cheeks were flushed as she spun around holding a gown made of satin and velvet and intricately woven runes of gold in the threads against her body. “It came! What do you think?” She didn’t wait for my answer and faced Ari. “Daj? Think it’s pretty? I love it, but what do you think?”

She swayed side to side, a new kind of thrill on her face.

This turn at the annual Crimson Festival, what we all determined to name the anniversary of the battle’s end, the young royals and courtiers had pleaded to attend the ball. They insisted they were old enough to mingle amongst courtiers and warriors without the supervision of their parents. While our children celebrated at the fort of Raven Row, the kings and queens went to Kunglig—what Calista and Silas called their palace.

It was agreed, the littles were not so little any longer.

They were welcome to attend the masque. A masque requested, to our surprise, by Kase and Malin. As if they needed to know joyous masquerades could exist. As if they need to see lightness in the memories of their darkness.

“Daj?” Mira smiled up at him. “What do you think?”

Ari grinned. He cupped her cheek and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I think you will be the brightest star, Starlight. It looks beautiful.”

She faced me.

“Stunning, Mir. I love it.”

With a little squeal she turned around, calling over her shoulder, “I can’t wait to show Livie!”

Once we were alone, I slipped my arms around Ari’s waist from behind. “You know what I think?”