I nodded. “I saw it. When he faltered at the wall, he only strengthened when you touched him.”

Tears glistened in her eyes again. “I swear I will tell him, but for now, I want to think of nothing else but all of us getting out of here alive.” She pressed a hand to her belly. “Allof us. I will not be brainless and put my child at risk either.”

I gave her a small grin. “You do not need to explain yourself to me. I would do the same. You’re looking for herbs to help with illness, yes?”

“Yes.” She slumped as if defeated. “It’s how I found out. Hells, I’ve barely been able to keep bleeding food down. Soon enough, I won’t be able to fight at all because I’ll be too weak to hold a blade.”

I hooked my finger. “Follow me. I know someone who can help.”

Elise looked at me like I’d hung the stars. I had few female friends. Tova, Junius, Dagny, and little Hanna. But something about her nearness sent a bit of warmth through my chest. A kinship only she would understand—almost how I’d imagine a sister.

Two corridors over, I paused at a narrow door made of black wood and knocked rapidly, creating noise to irritate him.

Not more than a few heartbeats went by before the door opened.

“Gods, Hob!” I shielded my eyes. Jakoby Hob stood in the doorframe, utterly naked. “Cover yourself. You’re in front of the bleeding queen of the North.”

Hob scratched a hand in his dark, messy hair and looked down at his naked body. The man was a bastard and simply widened his stance, smirking. “You’re a queen too. Listen, when I’m sleeping, even if queens come to the door, I answer wearing what I want, when I want.”

I rolled my eyes and shoved past him. “You’re horrid.”

Hob closed the door behind him. “But you still keep me around, Mal.”

“Elise, this is Hob. He’s a thief, and a man quite proud of his body.”

Elise gave a nod of greeting.

“What are you doing here, Mal?” Thank the gods, Hob finally reached for a pair of trousers slung over the back of a chair.

“Where’s Inge?”

“Sleeping. Like sane folk.”

“We have a quick question for her.”


I pulled back the threads of leather hanging over a doorway that led into their sleeping room. Inge had more decency than her lover and slipped a fur robe over her pale skin.

“Inge.” I tugged Elise forward, shooting Hob a sharp look when he tried to follow us into the room. He halted and held up a hand before backing out into the front chambers, leaving us alone. Wise man. “This is Elise Ferus.”

“The Northern Queen.” Inge’s eyes widened. She rested a hand to her growing belly. Still small, but with each week her little grew a bit more.

“It’s good to meet you, Inge,” Elise said.

“You must not repeat this conversation to anyone. No doubt Hob is listening even if he shouldn’t,” I said.

“Would you expect any less, Mal?” Hob’s voice filtered into the room.

I shook my head, but he was right. I didn’t expect less.

“The queen is like you, but in the earlier stages.” I pointed at Inge’s belly.

Her eyes brightened at once. “Really? How exciting. A royal little.”

“Royal or not, littles seem to come at their mothers much the same,” I said. “Do you have any of those special elixirs you used when you were ill in the beginning?”

Inge’s shoulders slouched. “No, I finished them. I’m sorry.”