I held up a hand, silencing them. The holy man joined his servant-lover in the doorway. With care, he patted her hand and, if he was wise, made a grand show of explaining to his woman how there was always time to offer a prayer to the Otherworld.

Not long after he left the doorway, Gunnar faced the woman and murmured something low. Her eyes glazed over, but she made no attempt to follow. The woman merely closed the door to the worship house.

“I asked you not to mesmerize her,” the holy man was chastising Gunnar by the time they slipped into the cornhusks.

“It’s for her own good if she keeps her nose out of this,” Gunnar said.

The holy man sighed, pushed back a few stalks of corn, and jolted when he caught my gaze. He had enough fear of me and my guild, it was simple enough to coat my eyes and scare the life out of him.

I rose from my crouch and picked at a stray husk. “Well?”

The old man swallowed hard. “I received word last night that our new king is moving rather sluggishly.”

The corner of my mouth twitched in a smirk. Luca will be pleased to know Dagny’s risk was not in vain. It was an intricate scheme, one that took up Niklas’s nights over the last two weeks developing an undetectable elixir strong enough to weaken Niall, but not Dagny.

Every thread of her dress, every strand of her hair had been laced with it. Touching her would make Niall ill. A way to keep Dagny protected, while hindering Niall’s reflexes and making his temperament more agreeable, more malleable to a man like the holy officiate of his vows.

Luca would be murderous knowing the effects of the poison were taking hold since it meant his brother had touched his lover, but Dag knew what she was doing. She knew her role and did it well. We knew Niall would not be able to resist taking her as a slight to his brother, and he’d done it without hesitation.

“He hasn’t bedded her?” I asked the holy man, voice rough.

“If the call for stomach soothing herbs this morning was a clue, I believe he might’ve tried, but did not get very far.” The holy man nearly smiled. “When his innards had settled, I made it clear his future alliance with the South would be threatened should he touch another woman before the vows.”

Dagny had known the risks, but if Niall had forced her into his bed, it would be a battle among the Falkyns, Kryv, and Luca on who laid the first strike against him.

This entire plan would be made easier if fatal elixirs could go as easily undetected, but Niklas had grumbled he was not a god and did not have the power to create such a feat in so short a time.

Elixists at the palace would sniff out a death poison before it could take hold. We’d settled for weakening elixirs and designed each mark to move swiftly.

“What else?” I leveled my stare at the holy man.

“I did as you asked,” he told me. “The future king did not have your woman slaughtered. In fact, I think he took my hint that she could be of value to a new extreme. He plans to meet with her today.”

“Extreme is what I want, holy man.” My voice was low. Dangerous. “The more value he sees in her, the more he will try to win her over to his side.”

“He plans to bring her to the vows.”

“Good. See that he does. And do not let him touch the ring until the proper moment.”

“I know my duty. But I warn you, your woman ought to cooperate at the vows if she is wise.” He hesitated a moment, and said in a hushed tone, “He will do all he can to make her submit to him.”

“I have no need to hear your opinions on what my wife should do. See the rest of our agreement through and I will keep my end of our deal.”

The holy man pinched his lips in a tight line, scolding me with his eyes for a few breaths. “Fine.” He slumped in agreement. “Where are yourcourtiers?”

Tova held up a hand. She gathered the gaudy skirt she was forced to wear, adjusted the silver points tipping her ears, then hurried through the cornhusks like a whisper. Hardly a stalk moved until she returned with Eryka and Elise in tow.

Much like Tova, the princess and queen were dressed as they were to appear—Southern fae courtiers going to a revel. Elise had to cap her ears in gold points, and Eryka had spent the night with Junius dyeing her silver hair to a deep forest green.

All three women slid feathered masks over their faces.

The holy man sighed. “All right then. Let us wait for the bride.”

Eryka led the way, but paused at Gunnar’s side, squeezing his hand.

Elise stopped near me. “Keep watch over my folk, Nightrender.”

“Valen does not need me as a nursemaid.”