“No, lovey,” Raum said. “This was something else.”

“It was,” she agreed. “But memory mesmer, all the same.”

I brushed my knuckle across a small scrape on her cheek. “What do you mean?”

“When the skydguard moved in such a methodical pattern, I realized they knew the route by heart. They’dmemorizedwhere to hide.” She looked down at her palms. “Shadows came, like yours, Kase, but instead of granting their fears, these shadows invaded memories, then . . .showedthem to me. I’m not sure if the skyds even realized it. But I saw the steps; I saw their plans. I knew where to have the archers fire.”

I trapped her face between my palms and pressed a rough kiss to her forehead. “Your mesmer is strengthening.” I lowered my lips next to her ear, so only she could hear. “This is the path to take, Mallie. Your strength is sign enough. You are queen.”

She closed her eyes. “Then you are my king.”

What a horrid thought. Me? A king? I’d destroy this kingdom should I rule it. I could stomach being called such a title for Malin alone. No one else. To others I’d always be a villain.

“Whatever it was, Mal,” Raum went on. “It was incredible, and Ivar would be wise to guard up his thoughts.”

“Malin. Bard,” Hagen’s voice interrupted.

Our small group parted. Hagen stood ten paces back, his hand tightly clasped in Herja’s. Behind them were Gunnar and Eryka.

Malin drew in a long breath, holding it as she stepped forward. Bard kept a pace behind while Valen, Sol, and Tor fell in line with us, eyes narrowed in a new scrutiny. The royals of the North had never met Hagen and likely knew little about him.

“Herja,” Sol said, his eyes locked on Hagen. “I have news for you, little sister. Your children do not look like you. Not really.”

Herja flushed. “Hagen, these are my brothers. Like me, they lived a cursed life until Valen and Elise claimed the throne. This is Sol, my eldest brother, and his consort, Torsten.”

Hagen clasped forearms with Tor first, then Sol. “The Sun Prince, yes?”

“That is what they call me. Although, it is truly Tor who holds the brightest disposition. He loves affection from others, and you must call him Torrie.”

Tor pinched the back of Sol’s arm. “You do and you die.” With a bit of suspicion, he looked to Hagen. “As consorts, we fight for our families and lovers. I am told you have done this, but know, I will continue to fight for Herja the way I have in your absence. Do not think of hurting her heart.”

Herja shook her head. “He truly is enjoyable once you get to know him.”

Hagen gave her a look, heady with affection, almost awe, then he nodded at Tor. “I would die first before I ever intentionally hurt her or our children.”

Valen and Elise stepped up next.

Hagen kissed Elise’s hand. The woman was incapable of greeting folk without laughing. In a matter of moments, she and Hagen muttered something that had smiles on their faces and soft chuckles breaking the discomposing quiet.

Hagen looked to the Northern king last and held out his arm the way he had for Sol. “Valen. Your sister spoke of her brothers often. I’ve been told how you suffered, and of your path to the crown. I am indebted to you for giving my family the chance to be together at long last. But not only for that.” He looked back at Gunnar. “My son has told me how his uncles protected and saved him when your enemies took you all captive.”

Gunnar ran a slow hand over the scars marring his forearms, evidence of the torture he had survived. I did not ask every detail of what he experienced in the North, but I knew he was beaten severely, and it was Valen who ended his suffering.

“Our nephew speaks too highly of us,” Valen said. “He was unafraid and faced our enemies like a man. He would’ve made you proud.”

Gunnar looked away, but Eryka patted a hand in the center of his chest. “A warrior’s heart.”

Valen pulled Hagen into a quick embrace, slapping his back more than once. “You have loved our sister well, even given yourself up to keep her safe. You are family, and that bond is unbreakable to us.”

Elise looked back to Malin and me. “That extends to everyone in your family as well. You heard me, Nightrender. We’refamily.”

Then, the queen looked forward again.

Malin leaned close to my ear. “I think she will beat you down before this is over, Kase Eriksson.”

“Have some faith in my stubbornness, wife.”

The queen’s attention brought Hagen and Herja to us.