Page 8 of Saving Jenna

Cliff pulled her into his arms and held her until she was steady on her feet.

Her hands planted on his chest, and she pushed him back. “He can’t get away. Have to catch him.”

Afraid she’d fall, he held on.

“Let go of me.” Tears welled in her eyes. “Please.”

The tears made his chest tighten. “You’ll fall.”

“A chance I’ll take.” She broke free and turned toward the stairs leading to the floor below.

He gripped her elbow. “You’re not steady enough. Take the elevator.”

She shook his hand off and started down, her knees buckling.

Cliff stepped down beside her, slipped an arm around her waist and held her up. “If you’re going down, at least let me help.”

“Hurry.” She took another step.

His feet moved to match hers.

After a few more steps, she seemed to regain her balance enough to increase her speed. “I can do this on my own,” she said. “Have to go faster.”

He dropped his arm from around her waist but ran down the stairs beside her to the bottom floor.

As she burst from the stairwell, she looked right then left.

Right appeared to be toward the lobby. Left led toward the rear of the hospital. She turned left and ran.

Afraid he’d knocked her senseless, Cliff ran after the woman, surprised at how fast she moved.

At the end of the hallway, they could turn right or left. She chose right and ran.

A sign over the door at the far end read EXIT.

As they neared, a security guard stepped through the door and frowned at them. “Stop.”

“Let us by,” the woman called out without slowing.

He shook his head. “The hospital is on shutdown. I can’t let you out.”

“But you have to let me out,” she said, coming to an abrupt stop in front of the man.

“I can’t. There’s been an incident. A baby was taken from labor and delivery. No one goes in or out except through the front entrance and only after the police release them.”

The woman reached into her back pocket and pulled out a wallet, displaying a badge. “I’m Special Agent Jenkins with the FBI. Let me pass.”

“Ma’am,” the security guard crossed his arms over his chest, “I don’t care if you’re the President of the United States. My orders are to guard this exit with my life. No one goes in or out. I repeat, if you want out of the building, you’ll have to go through the front entrance.”

“You don’t understand,” Special Agent Jenkins said. “The man who took the baby could be getting away as we speak. I have to stop him.”

“Lady, the city and state police have this place surrounded. If the guy is still in or around the hospital, he’s not getting away.”

Special Agent Jenkins stared at the man a moment longer, then spun on her heels, pushed past Cliff and ran.

She obviously didn’t need his help anymore to keep her steady on her feet, but he followed, his curiosity getting the better of him and because he’d been responsible for slowing her pursuit of the kidnapper.

When they emerged into the hospital's front entrance, it was full of uniformed officers, both city and state police. Everyone seemed to be talking at once, and four officers stood guard at the door, barring anyone from entering or leaving.