Page 51 of Saving Jenna

“Swede’s running that now. There were fifty potential hits scattered across Montana, Wyoming, Utah, and North and South Dakota. He’s working on narrowing it down to a handful. Have you made any headway in Bozeman?”

“We met with David Waters,” Cliff said. “He’s the man Brittany had agreed to let adopt her baby before she changed her mind.”

“Any chance he has the baby?” Hank asked.

Jenna shook her head. “He appeared just as concerned about the baby’s disappearance and genuinely upset. He also has an alibi, and his shoulders are too broad to match the janitor’s build.”

“Could the coveralls the janitor wore be misleading?” Hank asked. “Could Waters’ concern be an act?”

“Maybe,” Jenna said.

“Swede’s also looking into Waters’ background,” Hank said. “We have a lot of feelers out. It’s only a matter of time before information flows in.”

“We just informed Brittany that Larry Sutton is in Bozeman,” Jenna said. “He confronted me, looking for his baby.”

“If he’s looking for it,” Hank said, “that means he doesn’t have it, right?”

“That’s what we think,” Cliff said. “Which brings us back to the big question. Who has the baby?”

“No leads on the janitor?” Hank asked.

“The ID card used was from a maintenance man who is on a fishing vacation all this week,” Cliff said.

“Can anyone verify his location?”

“He’s off the grid, according to his wife,” Cliff said.

“From how others describe him, he doesn’t fit the description of the janitor I saw in the hallway,” Jenna said. “Whitley is short and stout. The man I saw in the maintenance uniform was tall and slim.”

“Something’s gotta break soon,” Hank said.

“I hope so. That baby needs to be in a safe and stable environment,” Jenna said. “With her mother.”

“Agreed,” Hank said. “What’s your next move?”

“We’re headed to Nurse Grey’s house. The surveillance footage shows her exiting the medical staff’s locker room across the hall from the laundry staging area. She met with the detective this morning when she came on her shift. She said she didn’t see anyone out of the ordinary on the labor and delivery floor. The detective didn’t ask if she’d seen anyone in the hallway outside the locker room.

“She could’ve passed the janitor pushing the cart at some point,” Jenna continued. “She seems the friendly type. She might even have said hello and looked at the man’s face.”

“Good luck,” Hank said. “Swede’s still searching for more information regarding Larry Sutton and David Waters. We’ll let you know what we find.”

Cliff pulled up to a small cottage at the end of a street lined with older houses, some with overgrown yards and peeling paint.

A light glowed through a curtain in the front picture window. An older model sedan was parked in the gravel driveway.

Jenna stared at the house as she unbuckled her seatbelt. “I overheard Nurse Grey talking to another nurse about her mother’s memory issues. I’m not sure, but I think her mother lives with her.” She slid out of her seat onto the ground.

Cliff dropped down from the driver’s side and met Jenna in front of the truck.

“I hope we’re not dropping in too late.” She checked her watch.

“Most people don’t go to bed this early,” Cliff noted.

Jenna marched up the porch steps and knocked lightly on the door.

Cliff could hear a voice inside.

“Do you hear that?” Jenna leaned her ear against the door panel. “Someone is singing.”