Page 48 of Saving Jenna

Nurse Grey entered the changing room, wearing her scrubs. Minutes later, she emerged carrying a large bag, the strap slung over her shoulder.

“Is it possible to see that room?” Jenna asked.

“Let me get a guard to escort you. I can’t leave my station.”

“While we wait,” Jenna nodded toward the monitors, “let’s look at the front entry where guests have to check in before being allowed to visit their family members.”

The guard brought up the video of the front desk and ran it at an accelerated speed. As it neared a time shortly after Brittany delivered her baby, Jenna asked the guard to slow the rate.

A man wearing a hoodie stepped up to the desk.

“That’s Sutton,” Jenna said. “So, he was here at the hospital last night.”

Cliff studied the image of the man they’d just encountered at the tavern. “He didn’t have the baby today, or he wouldn’t have cornered you looking for it.”

Jenna’s lips pursed. “And he’s shorter than the janitor we saw on the third-floor video before it went dark.”

Another security guard entered the room. “You needed an escort?” he asked.

The guard manning the video surveillance system nodded toward Jenna and Cliff. “Take these two to the medical staff’s locker room.”

“And we’d like to see the route from the elevators to the loading dock, if possible,” Cliff added.

Jenna nodded.

“Take them where they need to go,” the man in charge said.

“Yes, sir.”

The guard led them through doors marked AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY and walked them to the back of the hospital through a maze of corridors. He paused at a service elevator.

“The janitor would’ve had to come out here with the cart,” Jenna said.

The guard nodded and led them down the corridor, passing different doors. He unlocked them one by one for Jenna and Cliff to look inside at a supply room, mechanical hub, broom closet and the locker room.

Inside the last room was a wall of lockers, some with names taped to the door, a bathroom, a shower room and a laundry hamper for soiled scrubs.

Jenna ran her fingers across the locker marked Grey.

Cliff wondered what she was thinking.

They followed the guard out of the locker room. Across the hall from the locker room was an open door leading into a room where a dozen rolling baskets were lined up against the wall. Some held scrubs, others were filled with sheets, another with blankets and still another with the baby blankets used to swaddle newborns.

“Nurse Grey was leaving about the time the baby went missing. She would’ve passed this door on her way out. Surely, she saw something.”

“Wouldn’t hurt to ask her again,” Cliff said.

Jenna nodded.

They continued down the hallway to the door leading to the loading dock.

A man stood in a windowed office overlooking the dock. He stepped into the corridor as they approached.

“Is there someone in this office at all times?” Jenna asked.

The man shook his head. “We lock up after seven in the evening and open up again at four-thirty in the morning.”

Jenna stared out the window to the loading dock. “Who has the keys to these doors?”