Page 46 of Saving Jenna

She turned to leave only to have her exit blocked by a man whose face was vaguely familiar.

“Oh,” she said, startled to find a man in the women’s bathroom. Her pulse quickened as she quickly assessed the situation and her options should the man attack her.

“You’re in the wrong bathroom,” she said, tossing the paper towel into the trash bin, freeing her hands in case she needed to defend herself or reach for the gun tucked beneath her jacket.

“You’re Brittany’s sister,” the man said.

Jenna’s eyes narrowed. “I am.” She realized in that second who this guy was. “And you’re Larry Sutton, the man who knocked her up.” Her lips pressed together in a tight line.

“That’s right. That baby is mine,” he said. “And she ran off without telling me she was leaving or where she was going. I’m that baby’s father. She had no right to take off with it.”

“From what she told me, you weren’t interested in the baby.”

“I’m interested.”

Jenna’s eyes narrowed to slits. “And how do your wife and other children feel about that?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t have a wife and children other than the one your sister was carrying. Where’s the baby?” he demanded.

“That’s the sixty-four-million-dollar question of the day.” She lifted her chin. “By the way, the police are looking for you to ask that very question.”

His brow lowered. “How would I know? Last night, I went to the hospital to see Brittany and the baby, but they wouldn’t let me in.”

“Why should they?” Jenna challenged. “Brittany said you wanted to put the child up for adoption.”

“It was an option if she didn’t want to keep the baby. But I want the baby. All she has to do is sign over her rights, and she can get on with her life.”

Jenna shook her head. “Not happening. Brittany’s keeping the baby. And since you’re so intent on claiming your rights as the sperm donor, I’ll make sure she takes you to court for child support.”

His face turned a ruddy red. “This is between me and your sister. I suggest you butt out.”

She lifted her chin, took a step forward and dropped her voice an octave. “Or what?”

“Where’s Brittany?” he demanded. “I should be talking to her, not you.”

“She’s somewhere safe,” Jenna said. “And she doesn’t want anything to do with you.”

“We’ll see about that,” he said. “That baby is mine. She can’t take it away from me.”

“You gave up any rights to her baby when you suggested putting it up for adoption and when you led her to believe you were single and available.” Jenna met the man’s gaze head-on. “Leave. My. Sister. And. Her. Baby. Alone.”

“Or what?” He advanced on her, his fists clenched.

Jenna didn’t back away. Instead, she braced herself to defend against any physical attack he might throw her way. “I’ll make you wish you had.”

The bathroom door pushed open.

“Jenna?” Cliff stepped through, frowning. The frown went feral when he spotted Larry. “What the hell? Jenna, are you okay?”

She nodded. “I’m fine. Please dial 911 and inform the police that one of their persons of interest in the baby’s abduction is here.”

Cliff glanced from Jenna to the man standing between them and nodded. He hit the numbers on his cell phone, his attention fixed on the man. “Yes, please inform Detective Schwope that Larry Sutton is in town at the Bear Claw Tavern.”

“That’s fine. Bring the cops.” Larry crossed his arms over his chest. “I have nothing to hide. I think you and Brittany are the ones hiding something. My baby. And you’re leading the authorities to believe it’s been stolen.”

The search for a Larry Sutton meeting his description in Salt Lake City had drawn a blank. The wife and children Brittany claimed he had hadn’t surfaced. Then the man her sister walked out on showed up looking for the baby.

At that point, Jenna didn’t know who to believe, though she leaned toward Brittany. One thing was certain. Whether or not he was lying about his marital status or his desire to keep his child, Larry Sutton didn’t have the baby.