Page 44 of Saving Jenna

He dropped the bag of laundry on the landing and gripped her arms. “Why?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. It just feels natural,” she said, echoing what he’d said when he’d kissed her for the second time. Jenna shook free of his grasp and headed down the stairs, warmth spreading throughout her body. The urge to kiss him had come on her so suddenly she hadn’t stopped to question it, just reacted.

Her lips still tingled, as well as other parts of her body. How long had it been since she’d been with a man?

Since her breakup with Ryan, the surge of desire Cliff inspired had reawakened her to possibilities she’d thought impossible after her heart and ego had taken such a huge hit.

As she arrived at the bottom of the stairs, she realized anything between her and Cliff would have to go on hold until they found Baby Blakely—all the more reason to focus and get her back as quickly as possible.

They carried Brittany’s belongings to Cliff’s truck and stowed them in the back seat.

Jenna glanced at her watch. With the end of the work day, the parking lot had more cars and trucks than when they’d started up the stairs to Brittany’s apartment. The sun sank low on the horizon, shadows lengthened and streetlights blinked on one by one.

Cliff touched a hand to the small of Jenna’s back as they entered the bar.

She liked having him beside her as they stepped through the door into the dimly lit interior. Several television screens mounted on the walls at different angles displayed a variety of sports, from soccer to wrestling, horse racing and golf. In a couple of months, football would fill each screen to the exclusion of all other sports.

Jenna didn’t stop until she reached the bar, found two empty stools and slid onto one.

Cliff landed on the one beside her.

An older man with gray hair and a barrel chest stood behind the bar, mixing drinks and filling mugs full of beer.

He laid a glass of whiskey in front of a man seated at the far end of the bar and filled a tray with the beer he’d poured from the tap.

A waitress wearing a tight T-shirt, cutoff shorts and cowboy boots lifted the tray over her right shoulder and carried it to a table in the corner.

The bartender stopped in front of Jenna and Cliff. “What can I getcha?”

Cliff glanced at Jenna.

She smiled at the bartender. “I’ll have a beer.”

“Bottle or on tap?”

“Tap,” she responded.

“Make that two,” Cliff said.

As the bartender filled their drink orders, Jenna studied the man.

When he returned with their mugs full of beer, he set the drinks on the bar in front of them.

“Sir,” Jenna said, “are you the owner of this tavern.”

The man nodded, his lip curling up on one side. “I am.” He planted his hands on the counter. “What can I do for you?”

Jenna held out her hand. “I’m Jenna Jenkins, Brittany Berry’s sister.”

His eyes narrowed. “You’re her sister?”

Jenna nodded with a smile. “I know…we don’t look much alike.”

“No. You don’t. Rome Martin.” As he took her hand, the tavern owner’s brow wrinkled. “I didn’t know she had a sister. How is she? I called the ambulance for her last night. Did she have the baby?” He released her hand and wiped a damp rag over the surface of the bar.

“She’s doing well enough. Yes, she had the baby. But there was some trouble at the hospital.”

The bar owner’s hand stilled. “Are she and the baby okay?”