Page 35 of Saving Jenna

Brittany snorted. “I got up to use the toilet last night. That’s when I was attacked.”

“I’d like you to make a trip down the hallway and back without any problems before you leave. But other than that, I see no need for you to stay another night in the hospital unless you’re uncomfortable leaving so soon.”

Jenna turned back as the doctor smoothed the sheets back over Brittany’s legs. “If my sister leaves the hospital, is she up for an hour-long drive to where she’ll be staying?”

The doctor nodded. “She should be all right as long as she picks up her prescriptions before she leaves.” The doctor’s brow dipped. “I hope they find your baby soon. I’m so sorry this has happened to you. The hospital staff are working with the police to help find your baby. I pray it’s soon.” As the doctor exited, Hank, Sadie and Cliff came back in.

“What was the doctor’s verdict?” Sadie asked.

“I have to run a marathon to the end of the hallway and back before they’ll release me.” Brittany sighed. “And it appears I’m okay for a trip to your ranch.”

Jenna reached for Brittany’s hand. “You don’t have to go if you don’t want to.”

“That’s right,” Hank said. “I’ll stay and keep you safe here in Bozeman.”

“And I could stay for a couple of days to help,” Sadie offered. “Chuck was warned we could be away for a day or two.”

Brittany’s gaze locked on Jenna’s. “No. It’s better if I’m out of the picture for a while. I want all the focus here in Bozeman to be on finding my baby, not taking care of me.” She gave Sadie a weak smile. “If you’re sure I won’t be too much of a bother, I’ll go with you to your ranch until the baby’s found and the person who attacked me and my sister is caught.”

Jenna squeezed her sister’s hand, happy she’d be well protected but sad that she wouldn’t be nearby.

“I was looking forward to some sister time,” Brittany said with a crooked smile.

“It’s going to happen,” Jenna assured her. “And I can’t wait to work on my auntie skills with Baby Blakely.” She looked around. “Now, we have to get you up for that marathon.”

Brittany shook her head. “No. You’re not going to help me. Nurse Grey can do that. I’d rather you go by my apartment over the bar to collect some of my clothes, brush and toiletries to take with me to Hank and Sadie’s.”

“I can do both,” Jenna said. “I’m sure the release orders will take time.”

Brittany shook her head. “I don’t want to keep Hank and Sadie waiting any longer than they have to.”

“Sweetie,” Sadie smiled, “don’t worry about us. Take your time. In fact, I can help you up and down the hallway if you like.”

“Only if Nurse Grey can’t do it,” Brittany said. “You’re just a little thing. And I’m…well…bigger. Especially with the baby weight. And you’re…” Brittany waved a hand. “You’re Sadie McClain. What if I fall on you and hurt you?”

Sadie planted her fists on her hips. “Honey, we need to get something straight. I’m just a ranch girl from Eagle Rock, Montana. I can handle a lot more than you think.”

Hank nodded. “People underestimate her all the time.” He grinned at his wife. “She’s strong enough to toss an eighty-pound hay bale and never gets tired. I can’t keep up with her.”

Brittany’s brow wrinkled skeptically. “I’m sorry. It’ll take some getting used to. I’ve been taking care of myself for so long that I hate relying on anyone else. And I don’t want to be a burden on anyone.”

Jenna brushed a strand of her sister’s hair back from her forehead. “You’re never a burden, love.”

Brittany tapped the call button for the nurse. “If Nurse Grey doesn’t have time to help, you’re on, Ms. McClain.”

“Sadie,” the movie star said with a wink.

A young nurse Jenna hadn’t seen before pushed through the door and stopped when confronted by all the people in the room. “Oh, hello, I’m Nurse Haddox,” she said, her attention going to Brittany. “Did you need something?”

“Do you have time to walk me to the end of the hallway and back?” Brittany asked.

Nurse Haddox bit her lip. “I’m in the middle of dispensing medications. Could you wait for thirty minutes?”

Brittany frowned. “Is Nurse Grey available?”

The young nurse shook her head. “No. She had to go home to take care of her mother. We’re a little short on staff. But I can help you in thirty minutes.”

Sadie stepped forward. “It’s okay. I can help her. You do what you need to do.”