Page 34 of Saving Jenna

“Tell you what,” Hank said. “I know a guy with a helicopter. When they find the baby, I’ll have them fly her and your sister out to us. It’ll be faster than driving across Bozeman at rush hour.” He grinned. “Okay, that might be stretching it, but it’ll be faster than driving to the ranch.”

Brittany’s gaze met and held Jenna’s. “I don’t want to go.”

“I know, sweetie,” Jenna said. “It’s your decision.”

Her sister heaved a sigh. “But, if it helps you to focus on finding my baby, I will.”

Jenna nodded, a sense of relief washing over her. Her sister would be safe in Hank Patterson’s care with the female assistance she’d need in her recovery. She smiled at Brittany. “Just think of the stories you can tell Baby Blakely someday about staying at a famous movie star’s ranch.”

“We can do one better,” Sadie said. “We can have all of you out to the ranch to stay whenever you like.”

Brittany smiled at Sadie. “Thank you.”

Sadie patted her hand and stood. “Now all we have to do is get a doctor in here to declare you fit to travel. And don’t worry. We’ll wait for you if he says you need another night or two in the hospital.”

Brittany frowned. “What about your children? Don’t you need to be home for them tonight?”

Sadie slid her arm around Hank’s waist and leaned against him. “I have one of the best babysitters willing to jump in and watch my babies at the drop of a hat.”

Hank nodded. “Chuck is one of my protectors. The man has a magic touch with children. I’d trust him with their lives, and they love him. Whenever he has them for a night or two, it’s one big slumber party. They might prefer we don’t come right home, just for a chance to hang with Chuck.”

“But they’d be happy for us to be home tonight with a special guest,” Sadie added. “We’ll let the doctor decide what’s best for his patient.”

As if on cue, the doctor stepped through the door and glanced around at the number of people in the room. She cocked an eyebrow. “Are we having a party, and I didn’t get the memo?”

“No, ma’am,” Cliff said. “We’re just waiting for you to tell us if Miss Brittany is fit to leave.”

The doctor crossed her arms over her chest. “Then how about everyone but Brittany leave the room so I can examine the patient?”

“Going,” Hank said, pressing a hand to the small of his wife’s back.

Sadie smiled at Brittany. “We’ll be back as soon as the doctor completes her evaluation.”

“Thank you,” Brittany said.

Jenna stood and would have walked out with the others, but Brittany grasped her arm. “Stay,” she whispered.

Jenna glanced toward the doctor. “I’m Brittany’s sister. She wants me to stay.”

“That’s fine,” the doctor said. “The rest of these people need to give my patient some privacy.”

Hank and Sadie stepped out of the room.

Cliff met Jenna’s gaze. “I’ll be right outside the door if you need me.”

“Thanks,” Jenna said. “We’ll be fine.”

Hank held the door for Sadie and Cliff.

As Cliff passed Hank, he asked, “Did Gus’s ride make it?”

Hank nodded. “Hannah and Gavin came—”

The door swung closed behind them, leaving Jenna and Brittany with the doctor.

“I’m Dr. Jackson.” The doctor stepped up to the bedside and pulled a penlight from her pocket, which she shined into Brittany’s eyes one at a time. “I wasn’t on duty last night, but I heard about an attack, and your baby was taken. I’m so sorry this happened to you.” She was all business, checking Brittany’s injuries.

Jenna turned her back while the doctor checked Brittany’s lower region, asking about pain, and if she’d gotten up to walk yet.