Page 31 of Saving Jenna

“I doubt it,” Brittany said. “He has a family in Salt Lake City, complete with a wife and kids. I’m sure his wife wouldn’t want to take in his bastard child. She probably doesn’t even know he has a lover.”

“You told one of the other detectives that you’d worked out a deal with a local citizen that, if he paid for your room and board, you’d let him adopt your baby.”

Brittany pressed her palms to her cheeks. “He could afford everything a child could want and need. I thought my baby would be better off with him and his wife than with me. I have no money, no education to fall back on, no home. I couldn’t give my baby the life she deserved.” She looked down at her arms. “But when they put her in my arms…” Brittany shook her head, tears slipping down her cheeks, “I knew I couldn’t give her away.” She looked up, a fierce scowl on her face. “I would find a way to give her everything she needed. Mostly, I would love her with all my heart. I never want her to think her mother didn’t want her.”

“Did you inform Mr. Waters that you changed your mind?” the detective asked.

She shook her head, her gaze going to Jenna. “No. I called my sister and asked her to let him know.”

The detective turned to Jenna. “Did you tell Mr. Waters of your sister’s intention?”

“No, sir,” Jenna said. “I haven’t had the opportunity. The baby was stolen soon after I arrived.”

The detective turned to Cliff. “Where did you come in?”

Cliff shot a glance toward Jenna. “I ran into Special Agent Jenkins in the stairwell on the second floor as she was descending.”

“Did you see someone in a gray coverall in the stairwell?” Schwope asked.

“No. Only Miss Jenkins,” Cliff said.

The detective closed his notebook. “We had a state policeman go to the address you gave us in Billings. No one was home.”

“I’m not surprised,” Brittany said. “Larry’s probably on the road for his job or back in Salt Lake City with his wife and kids.”

“We asked the landlord to give us a call if he shows up anytime soon. We’ve also put a BOLO out on him to bring him in for questioning.”

Brittany’s brow furrowed. “BOLO?”

“Sorry,” the detective said. “Short for be on the lookout.”

Brittany smirked. “I hope they drag him into a police station and scare him good. He played me for far too long.”

“Thank you, Miss Berry. I have a few more people to interview while I’m here if you think of anything else. We found the truck we think the baby might have been smuggled out in abandoned behind some warehouses.”

Brittany’s eyes widened. “And?”

The detective shook his head. “If the baby was in the truck, she wasn’t when it was found. We’re checking for fingerprints.”

Brittany’s shoulders sagged. “My poor baby. What a horrible welcome into the real world. She has to be terrified.”

“I’m sorry, Miss Berry. We’ll do our best to get her back to you as soon as possible.”

“Thank you,” Jenna said.

As the detective turned to leave, Nurse Grey entered the room, her forehead creased in a frown. “They told me what happened after I left last night.” She hurried over to Brittany’s side. “I’m so sorry. Nothing like this has ever happened in this hospital. I can’t imagine how anyone could walk out with a newborn. We have so many checks in place.” She pressed her hand over her mouth, shaking her head from side to side. “Is there anything I can do for you? Anything I can get you?”

Brittany held out her hand. “No, Nurse Grey. Not unless you can get my baby back for me.”

The nurse took her hand and held it for a moment. “If I could, I would. But I’m sure the police are on it.” She looked around at all the people in the room. “Have they identified a suspect?”

“We have a person of interest in mind but have yet to locate him,” the detective said. “You’re one of the people I wanted to interview today. You left before Miss Berry was attacked last night, correct?”

“I did,” Nurse Grey said. “How can I help?”

“Did you see anyone on the floor that shouldn’t have been around? Someone lurking or looking suspicious?”

Nurse Grey shook her head. “All I can recall is the patients, their family members and staff.”