Page 19 of Saving Jenna

Snacks in hand, he walked quietly down the corridor to the room where Jenna waited with her sister, probably hoping the authorities would get lucky and find the baby before her sister woke.

As an FBI agent, she’d already be making a list of the things she needed to do, the places and people she needed to check.

He tapped lightly on the door before pushing it open enough to duck his head inside.

Jenna Jenkins was halfway out of her chair when she realized it was him. She sank back down, her shoulders relaxing. “How’d your boss take your announcement that you weren’t going to start the job for a while?” she asked in a soft tone, just barely above a whisper.

Cliff dropped his purchases on the rolling table. “He told me my start date was today.”

Her brow twisted. “Surely, he doesn’t expect you to drive to Yellowstone in the middle of the night.”

Cliff shook his head. “No. He’s already given me my new assignment, and it’s here in Bozeman.”

“Oh,” she said, a frown forming. “Does that mean you’re heading out?”

“No,” he said, keeping his face devoid of any hint of emotion.

Her frown deepened. “Did you quit?”

He chuckled. “No.”

She sighed. “I don’t understand.”

“You’re not getting rid of me anytime soon.” His lips turned up in a smile. “My first assignment is to help you find your sister’s baby.”

“We’re your assignment?”

He nodded. “And I sent him the data you gave me. Kyla and Swede will look for anything they can find on the two men.”

Jenna pressed a hand to her chest and closed her eyes for a moment. “Remind me to thank your boss for the assistance.”

“Will do.” His gaze took in her sleeping sister. “What now?”

“I want so desperately to get to my office and start going through criminal databases. Since I haven’t been invited to help the local and state authorities in their interviews, I’ll have to think of creative ways to question the people without stepping on local law enforcement's toes or cases.”

“Are we going now?” Cliff asked.

“Sadly, no. We have to wait until morning to do anything. Plus, I want to be here when Brittany wakes. There’s a possibility they’ll send her home tomorrow. I’ll need to pack her up and transport her to my house.”

“Are you going to sleep?” Cliff asked.

“I’m considering it. Though, I’m not quite sure how to get comfortable in this chair.”

He glanced around the room, his gaze landing on the cushioned window seat that provided even more seating for guests. “Why don’t you sleep on the window seat? I can sleep in the chair.”

Nurse Angie entered the room, carrying a pillow and a stack of blankets. “You two staying here tonight?”

“Perfect.” Jenna rose from the chair and reached for the pillow and blankets.

The nurse checked Brittany’s vitals again and gently adjusted the pillow behind the patient’s head. When she finished, she adjusted the lights to almost dark. “Let me know if you need anything,” Angie said and disappeared.

“You can have the window seat,” Jenna said.

Cliff shook his head. “I’m too tall. You would be more comfortable there.”

She handed him a blanket he was surprised to discover was still warm. He held it against his chest, watching as Jenna crossed to the window and laid the pillow and a blanket on the cushion.

Cliff dropped into the chair Jenna had vacated. It was still warm from her body.