Page 13 of Saving Jenna

“It’s my niece.”

“And I could’ve killed you by slamming into you in that stairwell. I feel responsible. And I take my responsibilities seriously.”

She stared into his eyes. Most women had to look up a long way to meet his gaze.

Agent Jenkins was taller than most women and didn’t have to tilt her head back nearly as much to look him in the eye. “Fine,” she said. “Just don’t get in the way.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said and nearly leaned down to claim her full, rosy lips. He caught himself halfway there and straightened.

What the hell was he thinking?

Obviously, he wasn’t thinking at all. Had he kissed the woman, he was sure she’d have knocked him on his ass. And since she worked for the federal government, would kissing her be considered a federal offense?

His gaze swept over her mouth.

It might be worth going to federal prison for one kiss. He faced the elevator doors, his lips twitching.

“What’s so funny?” Jenkins demanded.

“Nothing,” he said and glanced at his watch. “I just realized we’ve been together for almost an hour now, and I don’t know your first name.”

She snorted. “I’ve got you beat,” she said. “I don’t know your first or last name.”

He turned to her and held out his hand. “Cliff Cranston. Nice to meet you.”

Jenkins took his hand, her lips quirking on the corners. “Special Agent Jenkins.”

Cliff frowned as the elevator door opened and Jenkins stepped out.

“Seriously?” he asked.

She turned just enough that he could see a grin slip across her face. It disappeared as quickly as it had appeared.

That brief transformation from serious professional to playful young woman stopped Cliff in his tracks and made his blood race through his veins, heading south to his groin. Before he could collect his thoughts and follow her, the elevator doors started to close.

Cliff stuck his hand through the gap, causing the doors to open again, and he stepped out.

Why he continued to follow her, he wasn’t sure. Or the reason was one he wasn’t willing to admit to himself.

Whatever the reason, he couldn’t walk away. He had to see where this case was going. And maybe, after they found the baby, he’d see where anything else between him and the FBI agent would lead.

A voice in the back of his head that sounded a lot like Gus said, Dude, don’t get ahead of yourself.

Cliff ignored the voice. It was too late, anyway. Jenkins intrigued him, and he couldn’t walk away when her baby niece was missing.

He was a member of the Brotherhood Protectors. Well, almost. What had Stone Jacobs told him about the organization? They were there to protect, rescue and extract people from difficult situations when law enforcement or the federal government weren’t quite enough, couldn’t handle it or needed a hand.

Helping Special Agent Jenkins find her niece fit the Brotherhood Protectors' mission statement.

Now, to convince Jenkins he’d be an asset, not a hindrance.

Yeah, he had his work cut out for him.


With Cliff Cranston, a former Navy SEAL, following her like a needy puppy, Jenna hurried back to Brittany’s room and tapped lightly on the door before entering. She didn’t want to be too loud if her sister was asleep.

When there was no response, Jenna eased open the door. The sound of voices flowed out into the hallway.