Page 12 of Saving Jenna

“We need to track them down and question them,” the detective said. “Even if they didn’t take the baby, they might have seen something or someone suspicious.”

Jenkins nodded. “Is that all you found on the videos?”

“Just the laundry truck and the nursing staff shift change,” the security guard said. “The nurses usually leave through the front entrance. None of the fire exits were used, or we would’ve been alerted.”

“What about the third-floor footage,” Jenkins asked.

The security guard pointed to a black screen. “For some reason, the camera went dark around that time.”

“Did you see the janitor in the footage before it went dark?” Jenkins asked.

“Briefly.” The guard backed the images up to a time thirty minutes before Brittany was attacked. He sped through the thirty minutes as Nurse Grey moved in and out of rooms, pushing a chart cart or carrying cups of water to the patients. A hugely pregnant woman walked the hallway in her hospital gown with her husband at her side.

At high speed, the people moving about appeared comical. Cliff’s lips twitched.

Then came a janitor in a gray coverall, wearing a ball cap. He worked his way down the hall, pushing a dust mop. He disappeared through a door at the end and reappeared with a big yellow mop bucket, backing down the hallway, stopping to spot-mop as he went. Never once did he turn to face the camera.

At one point, he pulled a cleaning rag out of his pocket and wiped at a spot on the wall. The next moment, he disappeared beneath the camera. Moments later, the screen went dark as if someone had placed a curtain over the camera.

“I’ll go through the footage one more time to see if we can catch the janitor with his face toward the camera on one of the other floors,” the detective said.

Jenkins nodded, pulled out her wallet and handed the detective her business card. “If you find anything else, I’d appreciate it if you’d share it with me.”

He nodded. “I’m sorry about your sister and her baby. I have a couple of kids of my own. I can’t imagine someone stealing them from me.”

Special Agent Jenkins gave the man a tight smile. “Thanks,” she said and turned for the door.

“Jenkins,” the detective called out.

The agent turned. “Sir?”

“It goes both ways.” He pulled a business card from his pocket. “If you find anything, we’d appreciate your sharing. The more people we have on the case, the better chance we have of finding the baby.”

Jenkins nodded. “Deal.” She tucked the detective’s card into her wallet and left the security office.

Cliff followed. “Where to?”

“I’m going to see my sister. I want to hear her account of the attack again. After that, I’ll check in with the chief and the detectives to see how the questioning is coming along. We might be stuck in the hospital for a while.”

He walked with her to the elevator.

She pushed the button and glanced his way. “You don’t have to come with me, you know.”

“What else do I have to do?” he said. “Besides I—”

“—feel responsible.” She shook her head. “Don’t you need to check in on your friend?”

“I will.”

The elevator door opened.

Jenkins stepped in.

Cliff stepped in beside her. “After we see your sister. I feel fully invested in this investigation.”

The FBI agent touched the button for the third floor and cast a frown toward Cliff. “You’re not a member of the city or state police and shouldn’t be mucking around in this case.”

“And it doesn’t appear as if the state or local police have invited the FBI to assist with the investigation.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “You shouldn’t be mucking around in this case.”