Page 9 of Hawke

Just thinking about her in that state made my dick hard again. Thoughts of rectifying my own aroused state as I had that night briefly entered my mind, but I dismissed that urge immediately.

Why stroke myself to an orgasm when I know where you live and work?

The solution was simple enough for anyone but me. I knew I would soon end up doing what I had that night. I’d put rules in place before, and while some were meant to be broken, I hadn’t a single one in all these years, so I wouldn’t start now. I’d never be able to fuck her after seeing her eyes. Her face was one thing, but I’d never be able to forget those cerulean orbs, even if I tried.

I raked my hand through my hair and decided to focus back on work. The sooner I got everything done, the sooner I would be able to open Syn. If all went according to plan, I could even scout out locations for a second club. There were so many options, but that too could be decided another day.

I started to mark off the permits received and approved before turning to the ones I still needed to check on. Making small notes beside various items on the list, I finally leaned back. It was then I noticed the earring. Charlotte had left it this morning, and I’d been holding onto it ever since.

The sharpness of the metal... I closed my eyes, and I pressed it between two fingers, going deep enough to feel the small bite of pain. I had used a glove on her that night which would have made her feel dozens upon dozens of sharp pricks, and all at once. Charlotte had loved it, her body revealing things I wouldn’t let her mouth or eyes do for her.

For fuck’s sake. I need to pull myself together.

Forcing myself to focus on the tasks at hand, I pulled up the invoices for the various furniture pieces I would need for both the main area and the private rooms. I started trying to picture where I’d place them, but with every spanking table, bench, or horse, all I could picture was Charlotte bent over one with her ass in the air.

I smirked as I once more remembered the way her eyes widened when I’d tossed out that promise to her earlier. While shocked, the beautiful blonde couldn’t deny the fact that she was turned on, too. I’d learned a long time ago how to read women, and Charlotte was as transparent as they came. That might bode well for me, but not for her, unless she was as masochistic as I assumed her to be back in Washington, D.C.

After I’d kissed and spoken to her the way I had, any other party planner would’ve told me to fuck off. “You tried, little sub, but you and I both know you didn’t mean it.”

The fact she’d agreed to work with me all but confirmed that. Damn, there were so many ways I could toy with her. Doing so, however, would be the definition of insanity. It was obvious from our three face-to-face encounters that Charlotte already had some sort of hold on me. I would do best to break free from it now before I couldn’t later.

It was much easier said than done. I looked back down at the earring, turning the jewelry over in my palm this time. It looked old in an expensive way. Surely, she would notice it was missing, and she would want it back. In fact, she could be looking for it right now. It’d be best to return it to her. I could call and have her pick up here. Maybe I would leave it with the foreman and do that once I left for the night.

I exhaled sharply, then returned to work. When moving the various paperwork to the completed file, I noticed the documents I had given her lacked the proper signatures. If I paid her a visit, it would kill two birds with the same stone. I pulled up another browser, retrieving her company address from the Platinum Dreams website. After grabbing a pen and paper, I quickly scribbling down the street name and number before rising from my desk.

Once I got this over with, I would come back and work into the night as I did so often. Making sure I had both the file and piece of jewelry, I grabbed my keys and headed toward the exit of the club.

“Are you leaving for the night, Mr. Hawkins?”

“No, I’ll be back soon.”

With that, I exited the club, immediately seeing the fog from my breath in front of me. Colorado was a completely different beast from Washington, D.C., and at times like this, I actually had to wonder why I hadn’t chosen to open a club somewhere warm like Southern California, the deserts of Arizona, or even Florida or Texas.

The mountains had been the biggest draw for me, followed by the need for a place like Syn. There was a huge active group in the lifestyle, but the number of establishments catering to it were few and far between. This club was my first solo venture, and I had sunk my entire life savings into it. Everything had to work out. There was no option for failure.

My car was in the nearby garage, so I briskly walked toward it, trying to ignore the wind now whipping around my face. Winter sucked, and I would be so glad when spring finally arrived. As I slid behind the wheel of the Acura NSX, I input her address into the navigation system. Since she was only a few miles away, I would be there in a matter of minutes.


Ichewed nervously on the cap of my pen as I waited for the caterer on the other end of the line to return. I hated waiting on anyone or anything, but that wasn’t truly the cause of my extreme displeasure now. As my growing irritation built, I realized I had not fully gotten over the earlier encounter with Nathaniel Hawkins.

The man was so maddening, yet I continued to allow him to infuriate me every chance he could. I came from a very privileged upbringing, especially since I was the only girl out of four kids. To say I was spoiled would be an understatement, so it was ridiculous that he acted even more entitled than I did.

As the elevator music continued to play, I wondered if he’d grown up in a similar type of family. It wasn’t hard to imagine him in some lavish mansion harassing the staff. Convincing myself that his arrogance had to have been something bred, I was about to roll my eyes when a presence at the doorway caught my attention.

Speak of the devil.

Arching my brow, I simply stared at him until he walked inside the office and shut the door as if he owned it. A lump formed in my throat when I opened my mouth to speak, and almost immediately, I clamped it shut.

Hawke said nothing as he stood there watching me. It was probably for the best because without words to distract me, I could fully appraise the sexy, yet also impossible, male. Broad-shouldered and tall, he was dressed very casually. The jeans were loose on his hips, and the long-sleeved shirt tight was enough to emphasize the muscular physique it covered. His hard body had been pressed against me earlier that morning in his office, and I had thought of little else since.

Remembering what happened afterward, I narrowed my eyes further, then finally found my voice. “What can I do for you, Nathaniel?”

“Hawke,” he reminded me.

I didn’t correct myself, even when Hawke arched his brow in warning. I had never been good at heeding those. Having usually gotten whatever I wanted… whenever I wanted… there never seemed to be consequences for my behavior. Despite his earlier bluster, I doubted there would be now, either.

“Well?” I asked, letting my annoyance with his presence seep into my voice. “Are you going to tell me why you are here, or just stand there all day? If it’s the—”