Page 23 of Yours

Then, I go in search of a jewelry store.

On my way back to Horrow House, I spot J’bel turning down a side street. He looks around like he’s searching for something, and when he spots me, he crooks a finger and disappears around a corner.

He was supposed to stay on the ship and run new background checks on everyone. After the sabotages, Havaford wanted more information on the crew. What is J’bel doing here? Did he find something out? Curious, I follow.

He’s already halfway down the dark alley, so I have to hurry to catch up with him.

“J’bel,” I call. Maybe he didn’t want me to follow, after all. If he did, why isn’t he waiting for me?

He turns another corner, and I run forward.

The second I catch up, J’bel throws an electric pulse bomb at my feet and my com immediately shuts off. What the heck is going on?

I feel like I should run, but this is my First Officer. He has to have a reason for doing this. Maybe he doesn’t want to risk anyone listening to our conversation? Why not just tell me to turn off my com?

Before I can work out the logic in my mind, three men jump from the shadows. J’bel‘s form shimmers and he turns into a woman. A man throws a punch before I can get my bearings and I drop to my knees. While I’m still recovering, the woman touches my arm and immediately her form and shape change.

Right before my eyes, she turns into me.

This is bad. I kick the shin of the man holding me and get a few steps away before another man tackles me to the ground.

“You know what to do with him,” the woman says with my voice.

I roll, taking the man who tackled me down to the ground. Another man kicks me in the side, and I curl around the impact. The woman wearing my face is gone. There’s no way for me to tell which direction, because the three men are keeping me too busy to focus on anything else. The Federation trains us in fighting techniques, but these men are fighting dirty, mixing styles. I can’t seem to get the upper hand.

Get away.

There’s no way I can take them all down. My best hope is that my long Tamzell legs will give me a running advantage. The second I spot an opening, I take off down the winding alleys. These streets are darker and grittier than the main drag. More illicit establishments pop up, and I realize I’m headed the wrong way.

They’re still right on my tail. No matter what I do, I can’t shake them.

My ribs ache from where they punched me. My legs cramp. My breathing is erratic. But I have to get away. For Vera. I should never have left her this morning, but I wanted to show her how much I care about her, how serious I am that I want her.

Now, I might never see her again.

The thought spurs me to run faster.

If that woman wearing my face gets on The Rose, Havaford might take off without me, and Vera will never know. No, I have to believe she’ll be able to tell it’s not me. No one knows me like she does.

The man behind me lunges and grabs hold of my shirt, but I twist and spring away. I’m not a fighter, but I’m fast. If I can just get close to The Rose, I can yell for help. But every time I turn in that direction, they cut me off, so I keep moving parallel to the ship instead of towards it.

I can see the busy city center up ahead, which gives me some hope. If I can get into the crowd, I might get away.

When the alley spits me out onto the Main Drag, I turn and charge into the crowd. It’s not as rowdy or as busy as last night, but there’s enough people to inhibit my pursuers. The problem is the crowds are in my way too.

“Watch out,” I yell as I barrel forward, dodging one way and then the other.

A quick glance behind me lets me know my pursuers are still there. I’ve put some distance between us, but I haven’t lost them. I pick up my speed and hope to all the Tamzell gods I don’t run into anyone in the crowd.

After a few more minutes, I finally spot The Rose.

I shout, even though I know I’m too far away for anyone to hear me. When I circle around to the hangar bay, I see Ada coming down the ramp at a run. She spots me and raises her gun, leveling it right at me.

“What the—?” Even in my confusion, I don’t slow down.

She keeps the gun raised. “Where are the engines on The Rose?”

“No engines—you know that—” I pant between words and keep going. “Propulsion—top—and bottom.”