Page 16 of Yours

Taking her thighs in my hands, I spread her legs and lick up her crease with a low moan. She tastes as good as I thought she would.

My tongue stretches from the very bottom of her opening to her clit at the top, and I press the flat of it firmly against her before lapping her up again.

“How long is your tongue?” She exclaims.

I stick it all the way out and wiggle it around for her. The part that extends past my lips is longer than two stacked fingers and has just as much dexterity. Mine has always been a source of pride.

Vera pinches it between her thumb and forefinger. Fuck, that feels good. It shoots pleasure right to the tip of my cock.

“How have I never noticed this?” She drags her forefinger along the center of my tongue. “And it’s bumpy.”

Her touch feels as if it’s on my shaft. I tremble and remove her hand. I don’t want this to be about me right now. But has she come down enough from the euphoria? The high from a Tamzell’s cum can heighten sexual pleasure, but I don’t want to take advantage. I want her to remember this.

I stand and turn off the water. The tub is massive, easily big enough for two and I have no self control right now, so I take off my suit jacket and start unbuttoning my shirt.

Vera seems to like this development. She moves to help with my pants, which just puts her on her knees in front of me again, a position my cock is very excited about. I let her pull off my pants, but lift her up before she can do anything else.

It’s surprisingly comfortable being naked with Vera. There’s no urge to cover myself. I want her to see all of me. I want to see all of her.

We drink each other in for a long beat before I lead her over to the tub. Positioning myself behind her, I pull her close between my legs. We’re both clearly turned on, but the warm water eases some of the tension. Vera melts against me, and I wrap my arm around her waist, just below her breasts, watching how they lift and float.

This is exactly where I’m supposed to be. Where I belong.

“So…” She draws lazy circles on the surface of the water. “You gonna tell me why you’ve been acting so strange?”

She knows how much I’ve always wanted to find my True Mate, and I worry that all of this will stop if I tell her. If she doesn’t think there’s a chance she’s my mate, she’ll pull away and this night will be over.

I never want this night to end.

But I also don’t want to hold back. Not with Vera. I want to share everything with her. Maybe… maybe she’ll let me find out if the hope I’m carrying is warranted.

I start slowly, shoring up my courage. “I had a Message just as The Rose took off.”

She twists a little in my arms so she can look at me. “What kind of Message?”

I’m guessing she can sense how nervous I am to tell her, since she’s not calling it magic.

Cradled against my chest, she looks up at me, waiting for more. I take a deep breath. “My True Mate is on The Rose.”

“That’s…” She pulls away and curls her legs in front of her, covering her breasts. “That’s good, isn’t it?”

The vulnerability in her posture and her words wraps my heart like a vice. That constriction makes me realize I don’t care if Vera is my True Mate or not. She’s the one I want. The one I’ve always wanted. The one I will always want.

“Is that why you’ve been going on as many dates as a Mahara in heat.”

I lift her chin, bringing her eyes back to mine. “I’m done looking for my mate.You’reit for me.”

She sits up straight and her forehead wrinkles. “But what if I’m not? I know how much you’ve always wanted to find your True Mate.”

“I don’t care. Lots of people never find their mate. I don’t want a fantasy anymore. I wantyou.”

She sucks in a breath. I can see the indecision and concern on her beautiful face. I’ve scared her. But for the first time, I’m not scared of my feelings for Vera. She may not reciprocate them. This may only last for tonight. But I’m glad I told her. Whatever comes, it’s good that she knows where I stand. I’m finally being honest with her. And with myself.


Zenthwantsmemorethan he wants his True Mate. Woah. I’m not sure what to do with that information. His confession reorganizes everything I know about our friendship.

Not only that, but I’m on The Rose—so there’s a chanceI amZenth’s True Mate. The thought makes my head spin. If I wanted to be anyone’s True Mate, it would be Zenth, especially after learning all these new sides of him tonight. But do I really want to be someone’s True Mate?