Page 75 of Fall of an Empire

“He should,” Patrick replies. “Fort led some men at first light to go and intercept him. We got word more Tenebris have reached our borders, and he was concerned for your brother’s safety.”

“Fort is gone?” An emptiness much like I felt when he and Alex left for their journey takes over.

“They will return soon,” Patrick says softly. “Rest assured, Carleah, there is no safer place but within the walls of Soreno.”

* * *

The day passes quietly, without word of Fort or Bowman. I managed to sleep for a few hours but woke with a pit in my stomach that I cannot explain. Not wanting to let Patrick down, though, I dressed quickly and made my way down for dinner.

He sits beside me, dressed in a black tunic, black pants, and a golden crown atop his blonde head. Patrick has always been handsome, though not in the rugged way that Fort is. The king of Soreno looks every bit the regal man he is while Fort is a warrior through and through.


I fell asleep thinking of him.

And I woke from the nap thinking of him.

Will they ever wane? These feelings for him? Or will they torment me until my dying breath?

“You’ve been quiet,” Patrick says as he pushes his empty plate to the side. “Were you able to rest at all?”

“I took a brief nap,” I reply. “Then walked through the gardens. Your sunflowers are especially bright this time of year.”

“They are. When was it you visited before?”

“Early spring.”

“Ahh, yes. They blossom in late summer, so you must have missed it. I, for one, miss the icy days at your home. It was such a relief to get a break from the summer.”

I smile. “I rather enjoy the warmth. More than I thought I would, to be honest, but I miss home. I miss the frosty lakes, the way snow crunches beneath a boot—” My throat burns with emotion as I picture my brothers running through the snow, chasing me as we all laughed.

“You have such sadness in your eyes. I wish I could make it disappear.”

“Thank you.” I push my plate back, and a man takes it away. “Has there been word of Bowman or Fort?”

“A messenger arrived and said that your brother’s group was attacked by some Tenebris. They fought them off, but a few of the men sustained injuries, so they are moving slower. Fort is with them now.”

“My brother—” I start, panic gripping me.

“He’s fine,” Patrick assures me. “He was not injured. They will be here tomorrow evening. Thankfully, your brother had enough sense to take that healer with him.”

“Alysia.” I nod. “She’s quite amazing.”

“That she is.” He waves at a man who steps through a door and into the kitchen. Before I can ask why, another man comes through with a tray with two mugs of steaming tea on the top. “I hope it’s all right, but after our conversation this morning, I had my kitchen staff prepare some of the tea my mother used to drink whenever she was struggling to sleep. According to her, it will knock good dreams right into your mind.” He smiles at the memory, and my heart aches for him.

“That would be great, thank you.”

The man carrying the tray sets a mug in front of me then another in front of Patrick.

“Are you struggling to sleep as well?”

“Me?” He looks down at the mug. “Oh, no. This was my father’s favorite. Chamomile with brandy.”

I laugh. “My father preferred peppermint with brandy.”

Patrick raises his mug. “To two great kings.”

I gently tap mine against his. “To two great kings and a third making his mark.”