Page 93 of Fall of an Empire

“Great. Now, is there any chance you know a way out of this city that no one else knows?”

He nods. “But it’s no place for a lady.”

“I guess it’s a good thing I’m a warrior then.” I unhook my coin purse and toss it to him.

Anderson’s eyes go wide as he stares down at it, shock all over his face. It’s likely more money than he’s ever seen, and he doesn’t hesitate to nod. “We will take you. Andy knows the way, too. She’s fast. Can she come? I can’t leave her here.”

“I wouldn’t dream of you leaving her behind. But we do need to get going—quickly.”

Anderson takes Andy’s hand and pulls her toward the slat. After peeking out, he slips free of it, her right behind him and me at the back.

We bound down alleys, slipping through buildings, until we reach the outskirts of the city. A tall wall stands between us and freedom, a sewer tunnel leading just below it. Anderson looks back at me. “This way.” He lifts his sister and puts her on his hip then wades into the sewage. It comes up to his waist, but he does everything he can to keep her out of it.

“May I?” I ask. “I can hold her for you.”

He shakes his head. “She won’t go to anyone but me. But thanks.”

I smile and nod.

We continue wading for a few yards until, finally, we reach the outskirts.

The city sits on the edge of a forest that leads straight into the Marshy Meadows. From here, I have maybe a full day’s walk before we reach our next stop. I look back at the kids.

“Come with me.”

“What?” Anderson stares at me. “Why?”

“Why not? I can offer you safety, clothing, food. Come with me, and I vow to protect you both.”

He chews on his lip looking from me to his sister. “I don’t know you.”

“I know. But you do not want to be in that city with the Tenebris, that I can promise you.”

Anderson continues processing my offer. “We’ll travel with you for a bit. But I don’t know if we’ll stay forever.”

“I completely understand. A bit it is.” Beaming, I start walking, Anderson and Andy right beside me.

Chapter 32


“Fort. We have a problem.”

I glance up at Griffyn. “What?”

“You’re going to want to come with me.” He doesn’t bother waiting for a response, just turns and rushes out of the study.

I follow, my nerves at war with the sensible side of me. There’s no way they could have already reached the giants, which means that, whatever happened—I freeze at the end of the hall, my gaze landing on a woman as she stands in the foyer. Her dark hair is slicked with water, and it drips to the marble floor, each drop loud enough that it echoes in my mind. Her bright violet eyes are wide.

She wears a man’s tunic—and nothing else.

Bowman rushes in, clearly having been summoned too, and stops dead in his tracks, his gaze landing on her. His heart rate increases at the sight of her.

“Get him out of here,” I order Griffyn.

“What? Why?” Bowman demands, still not looking away.

“She’s a siren.”