Chapter 1

Matt Thompson.

Best friend. Boy who consumes my every thought. Every whim. Every need.

Person I'm most likely to get stuck in the backseat of a police car with. Also the person I'm most likely to geek out over Pokémon cards with.

First hand hold.

First kiss. Fine. It was freshman year and Fred Noyes dared us to.

First love. Only he doesn't actually know this yet.

First.... everything.

Well, not everything...

I'm staring at the boy I've been in love with for the past seven years.

When we were both ten years-old, his family moved from Washington state to our little mountain town in northern Colorado. Lucky for me, they bought the house right next door to ours.

Matt and I became instant friends when our parents introduced us, and I was holding a basketball. Turns out we both love a game of one-on-one.

Except right now, he's the one holding the basketball and I'm trying to keep him from scoring on me.


He just had to take his shirt off. He knows that's my weakness. When his taut muscles are glistening with sweat and he's rubbing his hard body all over me. I can't breathe, let alone think. It's a totally unfair advantage.

"Come on, Jen," Matt taunts me. "You can't stop drooling long enough to block a shot?"

I grip the bottom of my loose tank top and pull it over my head, toss the sweaty material at him. He sidesteps my shirt, watches it slap down onto the court beside him. Then, his eyes look up, rake over my mostly bare upper half.

Fair is fair.

The ball slips through his fingertips as he gawks at my naked torso. My hot pink sports bra is barely holding in my chest and I mentally high-five myself for wearing the only semi-sexy bra I own.

"Not fair, Jen," he scolds me. "Now all I can think about are your boobs."

I shrug absentmindedly, play with a loose strand of hair, wink at him. "You can't stop drooling long enough to make a shot?"

He bends over to pick up the basketball and bounces it a few times before a mischievous grin crosses his face. "I have an idea."

"Just take the shot, Matt," I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest, making sure my cleavage is on full display. Yep, he totally notices.

"If I make this shot, you have to take off your bra and let me touch them." He points to my chest, my skin flushes instantly, my heartbeat flutters beneath my rib cage.

"And if you don't make the shot?" I raise my eyebrows, challenging him.

Two can play this game, Matt.

He runs a nervous hand through his shaggy brown hair, his bicep flexing from the motion. Something stirs deep in the pit of my stomach, sends a wave of heat straight down there.


"You'll what?" I smirk as I let my arms fall to my sides.