Kyle takes them two at a time as he leaves me to deal with the gorgeous woman on the other side of the door.

When I stick my head in, she's still sitting at Kyle's desk.

"Hey," I give her an awkward wave. "Kyle had some business to attend to. He'll be tied up for the rest of the day."

She gives me a timid smile as she stands. "I know this is going to sound so inappropriate since you work for him, but do you know if he's seeing anyone?"

Before I can answer, I hear Kyle's footsteps behind me.

"Hey baby?" he says as he walks back into the room. "Can you and your mom grab us a table across the street before it gets too busy? At the Italian place?"

"Sure," I respond as my cheeks flame. This isn't how I wanted Chantal to find out he is, in fact, seeing me.

"Thanks." He kisses my lips quickly before making his exit.

When I turn back around, Chantal is packing up her stuff, flustered. "I'm so sorry, Jenny. I didn't realize...but it makes sense now. I see the resemblance to the picture on the wall."

My eyes shift to the black-and-white image Kyle has of me in his office.

"Don't worry about it," I brush off.

“I’m not a man-stealer,” she assures me. “He’s just really handsome and smart. It's a rare combo these days. Thought I’d take a shot if he was single."

Her honesty is refreshing, disarming. “No worries.”

“If you don’t mind me asking, how did you two meet?” She grabs a binder off Kyle's desk, places it in her bag and zips it up.

“We were neighbors for years,” I reveal, my whole face grinning.

Chantal walks towards me. “So, you were the girl next door?”

“I guess I was,” I laugh.

She crosses her arms casually over her chest. "Was it love at first sight? Or one of those long, drawn out, took-you-forever-to-realize-your-feelings affairs?"

"A little of both," I answer. "It was love at first sight for him, I think. Took me a little longer to catch up."

“I like you, Jenny," she nods. "I office out of Denver, but I spend a few days a month here. When I’m back in town, would you like to get lunch?” She lifts a hopeful shoulder, waiting for my reply.

“I’d like that,” I tell her as I lead her out of Kyle’s office. “You should grab a cup of coffee before you go. I’ll let them know it’s on the house.”

We tread down the stairs, then walk over to the connecting coffee shop, lost in conversation about how hard it is for her to make friends with how often she travels.

I instruct Lolly, the evening barista, to get Chantal whatever she’d like as I stride over and grab the empty coffee pot off Brian's table, laughing when I see he's finished off the whole thing. He shrugs and returns to his book.

“Thanks, Jenny,” Chantal smiles as Lolly hands her a caramel latte. "You know, I was the girl next door once, too. It didn't work out, but I really hope it does for you."

"Me too," I smile as I watch her go.

I grab my coat and scarf before searching for Mom.

I find her looking at the images Kyle took, now hanging on a wall near the entrance of the Gallery. Her fingers run the length of one of me surrounded by snowflakes.

"He's always loved you, hasn't he?" Mom muses.

"I think so," I reply.

We make our way across the street to the Italian restaurant Kyle and I frequent. Mom takes a look around before asking if we can be seated on the patio outside, near the heater. The hostess obliges and we follow her through the faded, yellow-painted dining area, with its uneven carpeting and full tables. It's busy, especially for a Friday night.