"I can't believe I fell for that," he moans. "I should have known."

"In my defense," I wrap my arms around his neck, "it was all Tommy's idea."

"That bastard," he jokes before smashing his lips against mine. "Now, go get your shirt on before Matt jizzes in his shorts."

"I heard that!" we hear Matt yell.

I throw my head back and laugh.

Kyle snaps a few pictures while we fix dinner. He captures Danny grilling and Mom draping a blanket over Diane's shoulders. Nora passed out on the grass. She can sleep anywhere. Tommy and Matt are competing with Phineas and Craig in a hysterical wheelbarrow match.

Sometimes, I think those two are cut from the same cloth. They're tossing insults at each other like their lives depend on it. Tommy's come up with some creative nicknames to add to his collection. Besides, "No Protection," I hear him call Matt "Sir Comes Without Rubber" and "Free Willy." Matt, in turn, has started calling Tommy "Beer Belly" and "Santa Clause." Tommy's gained some extra weight over the last few months. He says his job is super stressful and eating is how he copes with all his emotions. Matt scoffs before asking him if he's also six months pregnant like Audra.

I drown out the sound of Tommy and Matt and hear Dad and Randy telling Danny he's grilling all wrong. Then, they get into a heated argument over how gas grills are superior to charcoal ones. Danny eventually tells them to fuck off since he was the one who brought the grill and is currently doing all the work.

Kyle sets his camera down and drags me off to the pine trees for some privacy to feel me up. Between kisses, I tell him I'm offended he couldn't come up with a more original location to make out. I don't want to fool around under the pine trees like he did with Hannah.

"I barely even kissed her that day at the lake," he mutters against my neck when I protest.

"Sure," I roll my eyes, pretending to be annoyed with him. "You're telling me you didn't let your hands wander? I saw that two-piece she was wearing."

He pulls his hands away from my chest, rests one on my stomach and the other on the tree behind me. "I only kissed her. I promise."

"Did she touch you?"

Kyle exhales before he responds. "A little."

I smack his shoulder. "Kyle! In the woods? With the rest of us, like, a hundred feet away?"

"I was young and naïve," he defends himself. "And I was a horny 17 year-old teenager."

"Ew!" I screech before asking, "Were you thinking about me the whole time?"

He shakes his head. "No."

"Why not?" I’m kind of offended. I thought he liked me back then.

He rests his forehead on his bent arm. "Because you were 14 and it was weird."

"But you said you fantasized about me," I argue.

"Yeah, like when you turned 16 and it wasn't weird anymore."

"So, you weren't a perv for all those years?" I joke.

"Of course I wasn't," he responds. "Besides, Hannah had real boobs. I fantasized about those instead."

"It's fine," I shrug, knowing he's teasing me. "I fantasized about Matt all the time. Have you seen his stomach muscles?"

Kyle's eyes glare into mine. "You never once thought of me?"

I chuckle. "You're cute when you're jealous."

His fingers dig into my stomach as he tickles me. "You're impossible."

We kiss some more before we hear Mom calling our names. We twist our fingers together and race towards the food.