Kyle sets his cup on the wicker bedside table, then wanders around my room. I watch him from the doorway as I sip hot chocolate, letting the warm liquid calm my jumbled nerves.

He stops by the small bookcase in the corner and runs a hand over my white Pokémon binder. My breath catches in my throat when he pulls it off the shelf and opens it. A tiny paper flutters through the air and settles on the carpet by his bare feet. He bends to pick it up and slowly opens the folded sliver of faded yellow.

"You kept this?" He looks surprised as he waves it in my direction.

I set my mug down before walking over to him and taking the sticky note from him.

I'm sorry. -K

My fingers trace the letters he wrote four years ago. "I didn't realize I still had this. I guess I tucked it away in my binder and forgot about it."

He smirks. "You liked me."

I shake my head. "No, I don't think I did."

"Then why," he grins as he steals the note back from me, "did you keep this?"

I honestly don't know. I haven't seen that sticky note since I stuck it inside my binder all those years ago.

Did I like Kyle back then? I've always thought he was good-looking, but he was Matt's older brother. Off-limits and out of my league. My thoughts never drifted that way.


Until Spring Break a few months ago.

"Do you think it's possible to love someone and not know that you do?" I ask him as my hand brushes against his.

He peers down at me, a flood of emotions dancing across his perfect face. "I think anything's possible, Jenny."

I swallow hard. "I never thought someone like you would like someone like me."

"Why not?" he asks light shines through the open window, his face softening beneath the creamy glow of the moon.

"Look at you," I scrunch my eyebrows. "You're handsome and smart and going places. I don't know what I want to do with my life." Besides be with you.

His hand slides across my cheek and I turn my face to kiss the palm of his hand. "You have all the time in the world to figure it out. I didn't feel like I had a choice. I had to get away from here, away from my mom's secrets. I couldn't live with her anymore." He pauses as his fingers skim the edges of my face. "I used to get so angry with you because you made me want to come back. I tried to keep my distance, to not think about the stubborn girl next door, but I couldn't stay away from you. Even if all you did was yell at me."

I frown. "That day on the lake, I watched you touch Hannah and I wanted you to touch me like that."

His eyes darken and his hands move to my waist before they float down over my thighs and grip the bottom of my dress. "Like this?" He whispers in the dark.

"I wouldn't have let you," I tease him as he slowly lifts my dress over my head.

"No, you wouldn't have."

"We shouldn't do this," I say as his hands unclasp my bra. "Your mom..."



"I love you," he rasps. "I need you right now. I need to feel something. I need to feel you."

My hands find his chest and I lay my palm over his heart. "What's going to happen to your mom?"

"I don't know," he honestly answers, his voice worried. "But can we just pretend for a few hours that everything is fine?"

I nod my head and stand on my tippy toes to kiss him. "Let me show you how much I love you, Kyle."