"And, besides, the right thing to do was not play with my emotions," I harshly reply.

She exhales, rolls her eyes. "Go to your room."

My mouth drops open in shock. "Mom!" She always takes his side. Every argument. Every disagreement. She sides with Matt.


She rakes a hand through her gorgeous hair and stalks off. "You better go talk to him. He's your ride to school Monday morning."

"It's not my fault I've failed my driver's test three times!" I holler as I stomp on each step, climbing the stairs to my room. When I reach the top, I turn and yell out, "It's your fault because you won't let me drive anywhere and I need the practice!"

I hurry over to my bedroom door and fling it open, toss my bag on my bed before turning around and slamming the door shut. Not that anyone cares. They'll all just take Matt's side anyway. They always do.

As I plop down on my bed, my phone begins vibrating in my bag. I rifle through the sweaty clothes and grab it.

Matt calling.

I ignore it and fall back onto my unmade bed, seeking comfort from the purple flower sheets I've had since middle school.

What's his deal? Honestly. He tells me to take off my top so he can feel my bare breasts, kisses me, makes me feel good and hot and bothered and then...changes his mind? It's not fair. I've been waiting years for him to cross that line. The one we've been teetering on for...well, forever. I just didn't expect him to cross it and then decide he wanted to take it back.

I thought he wanted me.

I thought he liked me.

Have I been wrong all this time? Did I do something wrong? Did he see something he didn't like? I think my breasts are decent looking. They're not small, but they're not big either. I don't pay them too much attention, but Matt always seems to check them out when he thinks I'm not looking.

I flip over, bury my head in a mess of pillows and bunched up sheets. Maybe if I stay still long enough, my bed will swallow me up or maybe suffocate me and save me from this mortifying situation.

There's a soft knock at my door.

I groan as I lift my head. "Yeah?"

The door creaks open and I see Nora's face. "Can I come in?"

I sit up and look at her. Tears prick my eyes and I can't hold them back as she gives me thatlook. The one that says Mom told her everything and she's here to do damage control.

My sister-in-law's petite frame glides into my room as she gently shuts the door behind her. Like Mom, she's stunningly beautiful and it makes me want to throw up because I didn't get any of these attractive genes floating around. Her shoulder-length black hair is always straightened to perfection, her make-up effortless, and her large brown eyes, almost too big for her face, always kind and soft and warm. Like melted pools of milk chocolate.

Mom says Nora's only flaw is that she doesn't know she's beautiful. That's why she had the nose job before she and Danny got married. Then the boob job after Craig, her youngest, was born. And why she talks about the tummy tuck she isn't sure she wants yet.

"Don't cry, Jenny," she says as she sits down beside me on my messy bed, sticks out her bottom lip, pouts.

"I'm t-trying not t-to," I tell her.

"Your mom told me about Matt. What a douchebag." She cocks an unimpressed eyebrow, "Want me to smack him for you?"

I let out something between a sob and a laugh. Nora. Sweet Nora. Always in my corner. It's one of the many reasons I absolutely adore her.

"He touched my boobs," I tell her as I wipe the tears from my face. "But don't tell Mom."

She nods. "Like... touch touched them?"

I cover my embarrassed face with my hands. "Like...I took my sweater and bra off and he...touched them."

She shifts beside me, pulling a slender jean-clad leg up to her chest. I can tell she's thinking, wanting to say the right thing. "You've always had a crush on Matt, and we all know he has a major crush on you, too."

Nora pauses, chewing on her lower lip.