Page 77 of God of Ruin

She does have some of Killian’s characteristics as well. Which is probably why, contrary to the possibility I entertained, she doesn’t show herself. She doesn’t even make a peep or an indication of her location.

Smart little minx.

“Do you honestly believe your little attempt at hiding will succeed? I’m Landon King and you’re nothing but prey, waiting to be eaten.”

That should’ve done it, but no.

She’s definitely not falling for my provocations.

This is both bothersome and, surprisingly, more gripping than I’d previously anticipated.

My eyes scan the area for a possible hideout. There’s a closet, but considering her nyctophobia, she wouldn’t go for something that terrifies her the most.

All the other options—under the bed, on the small balcony, and behind the half-torn curtains—come up empty.

My eyes narrow on the closet. She couldn’t have possibly gone in there. Unless she’s in the mood for a panic attack.

Just in case…

I move in that direction, but the moment I open it, a creaking noise comes from behind me. On the opposite side of the room.

Right on the broken stairs.

She can’t possibly—

I run to the stairs and, sure enough, Mia has managed to climb through the available stair skeletons. She hid under them, waiting for me to be far enough away so that she could pull this stunt.

While I don’t catch the whole climbing up process, I do see her lifting the weight of her entire body on a broken step.

Fuck me. Now that’s an impressive athletic body.

She jumps up on the makeshift roof, rising to her full height, and stares down her nose at me and flashes me two middle fingers.

A fucking goddess under the full moon.

The silver light bathes her glistening naked skin and the generous slope of her breasts, highlighting the tips of her soft pink nipples.

The knickers and boots add an edge to the ethereal view.

I throw my head back in laughter. “I’m impressed.”

She lifts her chin and holds the middle fingers higher. As if telling me she couldn’t give a fuck about what I think of her.

I grab the stairs with both hands. “I am impressed, but you’re not the only athletic one here.”

Easily, probably as easily as she did, I lift my entire weight with my hands over the few available stairs.

Mia’s expression turns from triumphant to frantic. Her eyes dart around as if she’s looking for a certain weapon, but it’s too late.

I’m already close to her.

As a last resort, she attempts to jam her boot against my face. I duck at the last second before she smashes my head in.

Knowing she has no reprieve from my imminent and very real chance of catching her, she abandons her position.

I jump up, a step breaks under my weight, and I land on the not-so-sturdy rooftop.

Mia runs to the only other available escape—the destroyed part of the roof.