Page 178 of God of Ruin

“Who’s Bran?” Mom asks.

“My twin brother.” Landon scrolls through his phone and then shows it to my wife. “We’re identical, as you can see from the picture. I’m, however, fifteen minutes older and definitely claimed the elder brother position.”

“Oh my. You and Mia are both part of identical twins.”

“I know, right? I never believed in fate, but this small detail might very well change my mind.”

Maya stops herself before she rolls her eyes. Her gaze meets mine and she mouths, “He’s so full of shit.”

I know, baby girl. I know so well.

After some time of being stuck in the happy-go-lucky conversation and witnessing a different side of Mia that I thought was long dead, I excuse myself.

I retreat to my home office on the other side of the house and close the door behind me.

The lake extends in the distance as I stand by the tall window and scroll through my contacts.

I find the name I’m looking for and tap it.

He picks up after a few rings. “Jonathan King speaking. Who is this?”

“Kyle Hunter. Remember me, Jonathan?”

A pause stretches between us, then he says in the same tone, “Yes. I was wondering when you were going to cash in on your favor.”


“What do you have in mind? Stock? Discounted investment in my empire? A certain property you have your eyes on?”

“None of the above. I told you at the time you used my services that I have no interest in money whatsoever.”

“What do you want, then?”

“Your grandson a few continents away from my daughter.”

Another pause. “Which grandson?”

“Which one is the worst headache?”

“It’s a tough competition between my two eldest Eli and Landon.”

“It’s the latter.”


“That’s all you have to say? Your unruly grandson has his eyes on my daughter and I need you to keep him away.”

“I’m afraid I can’t do that.”

“You’re his grandfather. You can force him.”

“Unless I’m God, I can’t force him to do anything.”

“We agreed on a favor, Jonathan.”

“And I’m keeping my part of the deal. Asking for the sun is more doable than demanding I keep Lan on a leash. He doesn’t react well to any form of authority, so take my advice and let him sort it out with your daughter instead. Any interference on your part will only backfire and make your case a lot worse.”

The door of my office opens and I track my wife’s movements as she stops by the entrance.