Page 194 of God of Ruin

“I’m here, Mom. It’s okay.”

“Oh, honey.” She pulls me in for a hug and I can feel her sniffling in my neck. “I’msohappy to finally hear your voice again.”

“Me, too, Mom. Me, too.”

“Excuse me?”

I disengage from my mom to look at the doctor, who just entered the waiting area. My steps are awkward and uncoordinated as I run toward him.

My heartbeat roars in my ears as I ask, “How’s Landon? Is he okay?”

“Perfectly fine, miss. Luckily, the bullet only hit some fat and tissue, and we were able to remove it successfully. The patient has been moved to his room and has regained consciousness if you wish to see him.”

A long breath heaves out of me. “Thank you! Thank you!”

Mom squeezes my shoulder. “I’ll be right here, honey.”

I nod and head to the recovery room. I pause for a second before I slip inside.

My heart beats in a frightening rhythm when I see him sitting in bed, half naked. Some blood forms a transparent sheen on his chest and a thick bandage is wrapped around his shoulder, hiding some of the snake tattoos underneath.

The longer I see him, the stronger the need to cry hits me.

He’s fiddling with the IV tube as if he wants to remove it. I jog to his side and place a hand on his. “What are you doing?”

He looks up at me, his face a bit drowsy and his eyes unfocused. “Mia, is that you?”

“Yeah. What are you trying to do?”

“Coming to see you.”

“But you’ve been shot!”

“Why should that stop me?” He strokes my hair behind my ear. “Fuck. I knew I’d love your voice since the first time I heard you whisper.”

I frown. “But I never spoke to you before.”

“You did while you were dreaming.”

“I did?”

“Yeah. I’ve loved it since and did everything in my power to make sure I’d hear it again.”

My gaze falls to his shoulder and pain explodes behind my rib cage. It hurts to see him in this state. Probably worse than if I were the one who’d been shot.

“But you got hurt because of me.”

“Worth it. Would do it again in a heartbeat.”

“Including killing Mrs. Pratt?”

“Especially that. She signed her death certificate when she hurt you.”

I cover his hand with mine. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For being there for me. I wouldn’t have been able to do this without you.”