Page 117 of God of Ruin

“And yet something tells me you’re not giving up?”

“I’m an idiot and stuck with him for life. Everyone else should save themselves while they have the opportunity.”

“You’re not an idiot, Bran. You just care.” I show him my phone and then pat his shoulder.

“One of us has to.” A bitter smile crosses his lips. “I’m sorry if your acquaintance with me has caused this trouble—”

I put a hand on his mouth and shake my head, then I type, “Don’t you dare blame yourself. I made this choice about Landon and I’ll handle the consequences. Besides, meeting you is one of the best things that’s happened to me, so don’t avoid me again. We should probably meet outside, though.”


“Because I’d rather not cross paths with your psycho brother.”

“No, I meant why do you still want to see me if Lan is out of the picture?”

My lips part and I type furiously, “Don’t tell me all this time you thought I was befriending you to get close to Landon?”

“Weren’t you?”

“Of course not. I liked you and hated the asshole from the beginning.”

He grabs the back of his neck, a shy smile appearing on his lips. “Thanks. You’re the first girl who’s actually liked me and didn’t fake interest in me just to get close to Landon.”

“They do that?”

“Yeah. Apparently, I’m the boring twin and he’s the hot one.”

“I’m going to need names so I can teach the blind bitches a fucking lesson.” I punch the air, then kick it.

Bran throws his head back and laughs. I laugh, too, even though no feelings of joy penetrate my heavy chest.

After Bran and I part ways, I drive to the Heathens’ mansion. My screen pings with a text from Landon and I hit the brakes, coming to a sudden halt.

The ache in my heart spreads and causes my throat to restrict as I tap the screen.

He attached a half-naked mirror selfie, showcasing the dark purple bruises on his chest and his bloodied lips.

Devil Lord:Your brother did this. Come kiss it better?

While I saw glimpses of his manipulation tactics before, I had a veil over my eyes. But now, I can distinguish it loud and clear. Landon has the fascinating ability to use his own pain as a weapon to make his will a reality.

Just like when Bran said he was smiling while being stabbed.

Still, I can’t control the pulsing pain in my chest as I type.

Mia:I’m bored. We’re done.

Then I block his number and his IG.

Best way to get rid of a rotten limb? Amputate it. Even if it hurts like crazy.

I don’t know if it’s because I’ve lost the safety illusion, but as I drive past the gate, I sense the monster’s eyes following me and his breath trickling down my neck.



Afinger snaps in my face and I startle as I meet my identical eyes. Only, the ones in front of me are framed with glittery eyeshadow and have two neon hearts on the corners.