Page 52 of Swamp Princess

When I cum, I sag against the wall and glare at him. “Fuck you, Blaise.” Blaise moves closer to me and smirks, making my heart thump a little.

“No, I think I will pass.” He turns and storms away, leaving me feeling dirty. Tears threaten my eyes as I decide to ditch two of my classes. I have to do ballroom, but the rest of my classes, I am caught up on. I make a beeline to my room, praying there are no more incidents.

Once safely behind my door, I sink against it, letting myself sink to the floor. Tears stream down my face and I think my heart is literally breaking. I would have never thought that Blaise would ever think badly about me.

I curl my legs under me, letting myself cry. The stress is finally getting to me and now with the three kings back to being assholes, and Blaise being cold to me out of nowhere, the only person I have to turn to is Hector,xcept he is keeping secrets as well.

I wish right now that I had never ever won that scholarship. My life has slowly fallen apart ever since I set foot inside this god forsaken school, and the amount of lies and deceit that is happening around me.

Being here has been like a curse and one that I wish I could go back in time and tell myself that it’s not worth it. But it actually is worth it. I just have to make it.

I move to my bed, needing a nap. I need to gather myself before I explode on someone later. My patience and now my tolerance has reached it’s limit.

* * *

I wake up and immediately see that I am fifteen-minutes late to my ballroom class. I get up and quickly fix myself and rush to the ballroom. Once inside, everyone stops and stares at me.

“Ms. Venice, so nice of you to finally join us,” Mr. Brooks says. His voice is harsh but when I look at him, I see a hint of amusement. “You will be paired with Loyal.”

I resist the urge to groan and nod my head. I slowly make my way over to the Loyal, who always looks so devastating in his uniform. His jacket off for class with his white shirt bunched up, exposing his wrists. Wrists aren’t sexy, why are his?

Fuck. I need to not drool, but as he straightens and moves over to me, I can’t help it. As Mr. Brooks starts another song and tells us the basic waltz and dances with our other teacher, Loyal grips me hard as we start the dance. His eyes are stern as he looks at me.

“What did I do to you?” I try to ask him as he spins me.

“Shut up.” He snaps, so I ask again. “Shut the fuck up.” He tightens his grip on my waist, almost bruisingly. I wince and he notices, releasing some of his hold on me. We continue the dance in silence and when class ends, Mr. Brooks walks over to me.

“You will stay an additional fifteen-minutes. Loyal will help you go over the new dance we learned, and Loyal, I will give you a pass.”

“Okay.” He waits for Mr. Brooks to leave. He doesn’t say anything, just directs me through another dance. It is not hard and I get the steps quickly enough. Once done, he holds me.

“Let me go.”

“Not yet.” He bends down closer to my face, and I can smell the mint and coffee he must have had. I don’t move as he keeps me in his arms. I cannot get a read on his emotions.

I try to pull away again, but this time, his mouth meets mine. Stunning me. I give into his kiss even with warning bells blaring in the back of my mind. I give in to the kiss. Loyal kisses deeply and slowly. There is a fire there that I can taste, I know he is holding back.

Before I can try to deepen it further, Loyal shoves me back. I catch myself before I can fall. “What the hell is your problem now?” He goes to open his mouth, but I decide that I am done with his shit. I am done with all their shit. “You know what? I don’t even give a fuck.”

I turn and storm off. Wanting food, I stomp off toward the dining hall. Once there, I grab some finger foods and head to the safety of my room. I pull out my phone and text Hector. I could use some time with him, even if he is hiding something from me.

When his response is that he will be here in an hour, I eat my food and hit the showers. I bring with me a cute black sweater, some leggings, and some con’s. I also grab my makeup bag.

With the weather getting colder, I love being able to wear my cute weather clothing. The water from the shower would make others’ skin burn, but I love the heat that makes me feel like I’m roasting in hell.

I lather my hair when I hear someone in the showers. “Hello?” I wait for an answer and when I hear nothing, I go back to washing. I still hear noises and when nothing happens, I let it slide. The clicking is what has me shutting off the water and turning around. “Hello?”

Again, silence, so I rinse off and step out, looking around, I don’t see anything. I know what I heard but maybe I was hearing shit. There is no one here and with looking in the other stalls, I don’t see any feet.

I dress quickly, loving the way my sweater hugs my curves and the leggings are tight. These are the ones that make my ass look great. I smile as I fix my hair, and add some light makeup. It’s a soft smoky look which I add some blush and pink lipstick too.

I straighten my hair and give myself one last look before I walk out of the bathroom. I make my way down the halls and of course, I catch Blaise, Rem, KG, and Loyal all at the bottom of the stairs, but they aren’t looking at me. They are glaring at Hector.

The moment I step out onto the steps, they are all quiet. Hector straightens and the smile he gives me eases my heart. I start to move to him when a hand grabs my wrist.

“Do not go with him.” Blaise sneers, and his hand tightens on my wrist.

“Let go of me, Blaise.”