Page 44 of Swamp Princess

“Spill woman, how did you meet that hottie?”

I smile at Haven as we walk to the dining hall. “I actually helped his grandma after two boys stole her groceries and knocked her over. Then, I finished her shopping. She asked me if I was hungry.”

“Damn, like a perfect fairytale.”

“I guess, but Hector is definitely a prince.” I smile, thinking of him and pull my phone out. I send him a quick message, letting him know I miss him already and wish it was Friday. A news alert pops up for South Warren and I open the link.

Two teenage boys were found gunned down today in South Warren. These boys were running from a robbery scene and as they went down a back alley, witnesses say that they heard the shots ring out. They went to South Warren high and due to their age, the names of the minors cannot be released, but we hold their families in our thoughts and prayers.

“Oh, my gosh.” I shove the phone in Havens face. “I wonder if they’re the same boys from the other day. They were seen leaving the scene of a robbery.”

Haven reads the short article and hands me back my phone. “It would be a coincidence, but who knows.” She shrugs and brushes it off. She is right though, it could be a fluke. We grab our food and we find a table. I dig in but Haven sighs.

“Well, there goes eating peacefully. Hello, brother.” Haven looks up and I do as well only to see four very angry faces.

“What the fuck; are you four friends now?” Instead of answering, they sit down.

Blaise tries to reach out to me, I watch in almost slow motion as the familiar slide of his hand comes out to touch me. I jerk back from him and glare at him.

“Don’t touch me, Blaise.”

“Brin, please don’t be like this. I can explain.”

“Can you?” When he doesn’t respond right away, I snap. “I’m waiting.”

“Can you not just trust me, please, and give me a little time. I promise you everything will be okay.” He looks at me with those eyes, and my heart melts. I allow him to reach out to touch me. A piece of my heart stutters from his touch and I want to sink into him.

I miss him so much. I miss the way he would hold me and the way he would kiss me.

“Blaise, I…”

“Blaise, baby, what are you doing?”

I move away from him again and turn my attention to Haven. “I have to go to class.” I stand and grab my things. Remington stands with me.

“I can walk you to class.”

“Um, okay.” Remington is being nice and I don’t get it but Haven winks at me. Remington keeps pace with me and is silent. We pass a few classrooms and finally, I turn to him.

“What changed? Why are you being nice to me?” I stop walking, checking the time on my watch. I don’t have long before class starts and.

“Come here.” Remington motions to an empty classroom and I feel my face flush. The last time I was in one with him, he kissed me.

He starts walking before I can say no, so I make the decision to follow him. “Remin-”

His hand covers my mouth. “Just call me Rem. Saying my full name makes it too formal and that is not how I want your mouth to sound when you speak my name.”

Laughing a little when he moves his hand from me, I look up at him. “Well, Rem, how did you want my mouth to sound?” The words fly from my mouth before I can even consider the way they sound.

His smirk says he knows exactly how the sentence sounded. “I want my name to sound breathy when you speak it because my cock is buried deep in that tight pussy.”

I blanche and all he needs is a second of my confusion before his lips are on mine. This kiss is different from the first time he kissed me. This is a gentle and yet possessive. I allow him to put his hands around my waist and pull me flush against his body.

I kiss him back and relax against him. I don’t know why these men keep trying to pull me every which way. They act like I am nothing but trash, but then can’t keep off of me.

My mind goes to Hector, and I push away from Rem. I know that Hector said I could, but it just doesn’t feel right. I don’t know how I am feeling anything at all for the three kings of Skystead. I understand Blaise, I think I will always love him.

“Why did you kiss me?”