Blaise doesn’t bother with foreplay today. I feel his cock at my entrance as he slowly pushes inside me as his tongue swirls around mine. He also doesn’t change speed. He really is saying goodbye with his body, enjoying every moment that he can with me for whatever is to come tomorrow.
As much as I don’t want to respond back to him, I do anyway. My body meeting his and begging him to stay with me. I don’t want whatever comes tomorrow. I want him to stay my Blaise. His kissing slows as my body sees stars with an orgasm.
“I’m so sorry, Brin.” He whispers before he follows me over the edge. I feel his cum coat my walls and slide down between my thighs.
“Goodbye for now, Brin.” He says again before he stands, fixing himself and moving to the window. “Remember, not everything is as it seems, and I am doing this for a reason.”
My heart is in tatters, I watch Blaise climb through the window and suddenly, I am dreading tomorrow.
* * *
The next morning, I wake up in my bed at the school. My heart in shatters. Blaise said goodbye yesterday and when I tried to text him, they went undelivered. He blocked me.
I get mad, thinking he fucked me only to leave me, but his words of love keep pushing into my mind. I don’t know why he would do this and for a moment, I try to focus on anything else but what I did with him. I feel hollow as I dress for the day.
There was something in Blaise’s eyes that scared me and threatened my vision with him. Shaking my head, I grab my backpack and leave the safety of my room. I need to focus. Exams are coming up soon and I need to get ahead of my studying.
I make it to the dining hall and there is a commotion before all three sky kings surround me.
I pause, looking at them. Remington looks only slightly hostile, Loyal looks slightly angered, but Kingston is the one who throws me. His normal demeanor of arrogance is not there, in fact, he looks slightly uncomfortable and the way his body is positioned almost away from me is fishy.
“What?” I feel like I am saying that a lot but over the past couple days, everything seems out of wack.
“Oh, we just wanted front row seats to the show.” Loyal laughs and that makes my stomach flip.
“Well, I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I’m hungry, so please move.” Remington and Loyal smile at me but Kingston just nods his head.
When I brush past him, I think I hear a very softly whisper, I’m sorry. It was said so soft that I don’t even know if what I heard was right.
They move aside and allow me to pass them. I don’t see anything out of place but for whatever reason, awareness is prickling my skin, putting me on edge. I feel the three asshats behind me, they even care that it is obvious that they are following me which means that whatever is happening, is something they really want to witness.
I grab my tray from the start of the breakfast line. The smell of French toast and pancakes fill the air, making my mouth salivate. Once I get to the first server, I start to pile things on my tray and make sure to add a parfait at the end. The yumminess of how they are made here is actually one of the best I have ever had.
I start to move to the pay station when a commotion hits me and a high giggle pierces through. I find the source. A blonde I have never seen before is sitting on the table, her head tilted back, allowing her long neck to be exposed.
She looks so perfect in her uniform with her hair done in an elegant ponytail that leaves some curls hanging around her heart shaped face. I start to turn when her eyes meet mine and the crowd moves.
Now I see the source of the commotion and my body locks into place. My heart literally shatters with whatever was left. I feel like I been stabbed and spit on. There, in the Skystead Prep uniform is Blaise. He looks like he walked out of a magazine.
His hand is on her thigh and he is leaning toward her. I’m frozen as he stands and moves toward me with her in tow. I take in her kitten heels and legs that look like they go on forever, and Blaise’s muscular frame shoved into the uniform.
As they near me, I go to turn around when I hit a wall of muscle. “Oh, swamp rat, I don’t want you to miss the greeting he came to give you.” Remington sneers.
Sighing when I feel Blaise’s eyes burning into my back, I turn to him. I want to let out a whimper when I see the bitch grab his hand.
“Brinley, hey.” He never calls me Brinley, it is usually a pet name or a shortened version of my name, unless he is being serious.
“Blaise, hey.” I nod at him.
“Baby, introduce me.” The blonde paws at him, making me want to punch the fuck out of her.
“Brinley, this is, uh…” I watch Blaise scratch the back of his neck and look around nervously before his eyes harden and he looks back at me. “This is Felicity, my girlfriend.”
“Girlfriend?” I croak out. Everything in me shatters. Every dream I envisioned for Blaise and I, the hope I had for him and I. He always did say he would never be with someone from the swamp.
“Guess what you said about not being with anyone from the swamp was right.”
“Brin..I mean, Brinley.. I, uh.”