The closer I get to the room, the more my stomach drops. Standing at the door, I take a deep breath. Even though Blaise told me he loved me, we never actually defined our relationships in terms of other people or being exclusive. So why does the thought of what he is doing right now tear me to pieces?
I push the door open and my stomach drops and heart breaks. This was so much worse than what I was expecting. Blaise is on top of another female, one who looks like she is from Skystead. While he is clothed, his tongue is still down her throat.
Her skirt is hiked up with a leg wrapped around his waist. He is pressing her into the bed while he deepens his kiss.
“Fuck you!” I shout at Blaise uncontrollably as the hurt fills me up before I can even try to reign it in.
“Brinley?” Blaise's head whips up and he looks at me. I see how high he is and it pisses me off even more. “This is not what it looks like.” He goes to get up but the harpy under him whines and pulls him back.
“You know what, fuck you!” I turn and stalk from the room. I immediately head to Lank and take the offered drink and then the offered blunt. This entire day has been shit and that was the icing on the cake. Lank takes my drink and makes another and eventually, I don’t remember how many I drank.
“Brinley, come talk to me.” I turn and see a very blurry Blaise.
“No, Blaise, go away.” I move from the sofa where I was sitting and try to get some space between us.
“Brin, please.” Blaise pleads with me, and because I am a sucker for him, I pause.
“How could you? How could you kiss another after…” I don’t even want to say it. I sound like a fool, especially here in a party where I know some people are trying to listen in.
“I can come over tonight, you’re staying at your moms, right?”
“Well, I’m definitely not staying with you. I don’t want to risk falling into some prep-pussy.” I turn and stomp off only to smack into Remington. Looking up at him, I smile. “Want to dance.” He raises his eyebrows at me before looking over my shoulder.
I turn slowly to see what he is looking at and of course, the other two assholes are here. “What are you three even doing here? This ain’t the club preps.”
“Brinley, I think you’ve had enough.” Kingston steps forward and I yank away from him.
“Don’t tell me.” I turn as Lank brings me another drink and wraps his arm around me. He glares at the sky kings before telling them to leave.
“Don’t cause scenes, pretty boys, It will get ugly, and here, you are outnumbered.” Remington and Loyal look around but even through my haze, I see Kingston glaring at me.
“Brinley, come with us, we can make sure you get home safe.”
“Brin, do you want to go with them?” Lank asks as Kingston steps closer to me.
“No, I will stay here, Lank.” I turn and walk away. I just want to get lost in the feelings and not think of anything that has happened tonight.
I want to sink into this feeling of fake bliss. The blurry happiness that I have right now is not something I am ready to come out of. I turn to the nearest guy and pull him to a dance, letting myself go with the music.
Chapter Thirteen
Fuck. I can’t keep her out of my head, especially since Remington told us about their kiss. I watched her all night and even took some pleasure in watching her pain. I knew the fuck was up to no good when he took Felicity to the back room. My now ex-fiance is up to something, I just don’t know what.
I didn’t expect to feel like shit as I watched her drink and smoke her emotions away, and even as I took some recordings of her, I felt bad.
I'm dropping the guys off and I'm heading right back to that party. I'm not going to leave her alone.
“You were right. My father is hiding something.” We followed my father Into the swamps and watched as he got out of the car and went into a shady trailer. The surprise came when Remington and Loyal’s father’s joined him.
I knew what they were doing the moment they didn't come out immediately. This was obviously a whore’s house, and whatever they were doing here involved more than sex. I know my father all too well, and that something like this is bigger than what it seems. The problem is I have no clue where to even look.
“I’m dropping you off. I have some things to do.” I wait for their reactions, but they just nod, and I drop them off at Greasy B’s. I know Remington will call a car. I make sure to take off and drive the way back to the party.
I don’t get very far before I spot Brinley walking. Not very well. She is stumbling and alone. I follow behind her and it’s a slow pace for about ten-minutes before she stumbles into the trailer I saw my father enter. Suspicion eats at me as I park my car behind her trailer where my father had parked his.
What was he doing in Brinley’s trailer? I wait a few moments before I get out of the car and make sure that the sky is blackening out everything which makes it harder to see, which in my case is good for me. I don’t want anyone to know I am here. Sneaking around to the front, I test the door, finding it open.
Without a second thought, I enter. The heavy smell of drugs in the air. I look around and see a mess. The kitchen is covered in dishes and trash while just beyond is a living room with junk looking furniture, and doesn’t even look like it would be smart to sit on.