Page 26 of Swamp Princess

“A taste of forbidden freedom.” Is the only answer I get before he leaves me standing alone in an empty classroom.

Chapter Twelve

I close my school laptop, finally finished the typed reports. I am caught up and with the weekend now here, I am dreading going home, but I need answers. Whether I will get them is another thing. Blaise has been giving me only one word replies about seeing me this weekend, and every time it feels like a knife to the heart.

Remington has stopped speaking to me. He won’t look at me and I can see the others are curious about it. I take my time to look around at my room, relishing the silence I have before I cross the tracks that will take me back to the shithole.

I give myself that peace before I grab my small duffel and leave. I walk through the halls and take in the elegance here that others take for granted. Just one hallway in this school is nicer than ninety percent of the trailers in the swamps.

The school is busy with others getting ready for the weekend. I am not noticed as I walk out. I plan to just walk across on foot. It should only be an hour. I tried to ask Blaise if he would pick me up, but he told me he had other plans.

Stepping outside, I start heading toward South Warren. With every step, my mind tries to conjure a conversation that I need to have. My mother is a literal crack whore, so getting her to focus on anything will be a mission.

“Hey, gorgeous.” I didn’t even hear the car, but my body freezes. I turn to look at Vince who has pulled up beside me in his black mustang. One of his other favorite cars. “Come on, get in.”

“No.” I hoist my duffel bag onto my back and walk faster.

“Brinley, don’t make this harder than it has to be.” I hear the frustration in his voice, but I still am not getting into his car.

Ignoring him, I keep walking and try to focus on one foot in front of the other. He makes me nervous, but I don’t want him to know it. I can’t show Vince any sign of weakness. He is like a shark in the water, waiting for the drop of blood to lead him to his next victim.

“Get in the fucking car, Brinley.” Now the anger is coming out. I pause, weighing my options before I sigh and stop.

“Fine.” Vince is always packing a pistol of some kind and I know he wouldn’t hesitate to use it on me. He would use it on me. Maybe not to kill me but he would injure me. He comes to a full stop, and I slide in the passenger seat, setting my duffel bag on the floor in front of me.

“Take me to my mothers.” I sit back and stare ahead. I can feel his eyes moving over me, making my skin crawl.

“How about lunch?” Now that Vince got me here, he sounds more playful.

“No thanks.”

“You don’t have to be a bitch.”

“Vince, you are the one who basically forced me in here. Just take me home or let me out.” He slams on the brakes and yanks my chin to face him.

“Get it through your fucking head, Brinley. You are mine and soon, I will have the signed fucking agreement for you to be my legal goddamn wife. I don’t have to be nice at all, and right now, you’re pissing me the fuck off. This is your final warning. Get your fucking attitude right or prepare to have a very uncomfortable life.”

He hits the gas, sending us speeding toward the tracks faster than I am comfortable with. “Vince, please slow down.”

“No.” He keeps speeding and doesn’t stop until we are right in front of the tracks. My heart is pounding with fear. He comes to a stop in front of the tracks. “Get out and don’t forget what I said.” Opening the door, I climb out, grabbing my things without saying anything to him.

He doesn’t wait for me either. He backs his car up and turns back toward North Warren. He wants to be a part of that world so bad; you can see it in everything he does. It is only a few minutes to my home from the tracks and now that I am so close, I am panicking.

I want to know everything. I want answers. I want Blaise. I pull out my phone and send him a message, hoping he wants to meet me tonight. I need him and I want to end the distance between us. With Blaise, I feel whole and after the kiss with Remington that keeps floating through my mind. I need to erase those memories.

I keep walking, praying that my phone will go off, and when I am in view of my trailer, I look to Blaise’s and don’t see his car. Disappointment hits me, but my eye catches on the black luxury car hidden behind my trailer with only the ass end of it peeking out.

Instead of going right in, I sneak up to the side. My mother is moaning loudly, making my stomach turn. Of course she is fucking someone. I move silently to the side, I need to know who from North Warren made it here to be between her legs.

Usually, she doesn’t fuck rich fucks and sticks to the swamp men. I move to her bedroom window and silently look inside. My mother is never one for privacy, so it doesn’t surprise me that her curtains are open, letting whatever breeze she can get into her room.

I don’t look at my mother, not wanting to see her in any position, but I do look at the man. Shock hits me when I see three men. One, I immediately recognize as Lucas Darrington. The headmaster of my school. He currently has his cock out and is stroking it, waiting for it to be his turn.

The other two men look familiar, but I know I haven’t seen them before. One starts to raise his head and I duck down to leave, but they speak up.

“This whore looks nothing like her daughter, Luc. I thought you said she did.”

“She does when she is not cracked out.” Lucas Darrington answers.