I wait and make it out before he comes back to the hall. I knock on the door, drawing his attention and a Puerto Rican man in his late forties peers out at me.
“Who the fuck are you? If you’re looking for Beth, I was here first.”
Trying to stay calm because he obviously doesn’t know who I am, I answer him. “I was looking for Brinley.” I motion to the trailer. “Is she here?”
He scratches his head and glances down the hall. “You here for that girl?”
“She turning into her ma?” He looks like he sobers up a little and looks almost concerned.”
“No, sir, she’s not.”
“So, why you here? She’s Blaise’s.” He glares at me, coming off his high. Now I have a name for the face with Damien.
“Actually, she’s my girlfriend.” I admit feeling a little defensive. I was the one who asked her to be mine.
“Damn, boy had something good and lost it.” He is back to speaking his thoughts out loud. “Such a shame. She would have been amazing for him. I told that boy not to lose her and to keep her.” He turns to me. “Keep her safe.” He turns, storming off away from me.
I wait a little while longer and when Blaise’s father leaves the trailer, I go in. I go right for the mother’s room, wanting to see if there is anything I can use against this woman to keep Brinley away from her. She is a druggie, that much is seen.
I search her room and dressers, coming up empty handed, and I almost leave until I spot something poking from a jacket inside the closet. I walk over to it and pull the paper out. It is wrinkled, but I can tell right away it is a legal document.
I scan the contents and my blood boils. A legal consent form for marriage between Vince and Brinley. All that is missing is a signature. So, this is what he thinks is going to happen. He thinks he is going to take her from me, and hide her away and most likely abuse her in all ways.
I head back to my car with more of a feeling of protectiveness for Brinley swirling through me. I know she may hate me for who I am, but I will make her understand. I know as soon as I tell her, she would know who I am, the younger generation knows of me, and most of the older knows my Abuela.
I’m fuming and now I need to get rid of Vince sooner than I thought I would need to.
* * *
House now!!!
Yes, Sir
Bring your dogs too, their fathers are here.
Yes, Sir
I slam my phone down only after praying it doesn’t break. Even if I want it too, he would just have a new one in my hand within the hour. We are in the dorm and the guys are all relaxing in their rooms. I am the only one who is in the common room.
“Loyal and Rem. Come out here.” I shout, needing them to get ready. Father doesn’t expect me to be too long after he requests my presence. I wait until they are both in the common area and tell them that our fathers are expecting us. They look beat.
I know they are studying for finals this week and it has been rough. Skystead prides itself on being one of the top schools in the world and they make the tests harder.
“What the fuck could they want now?” Rem crosses his arms over his chest as Loyal throws on his sneakers.
“I have a feeling.” I know this has to be about Brinley. We haven’t exactly made it to where she wants to leave yet. In fact, the opposite. We try to touch her whenever, and if she lets us, we kiss her. Which isn’t very often.