Page 20 of Swamp Princess

Everyone rushes the field, uncaring of the North Warren side. Not me though, I start to move away, feeling a bit depressed, realizing how much I actually miss South Warren, but knowing that Skystead Prep is the best way to pave my future.

Before I reach the other side, I see that Haven has walked over to her brother and she nods. I know he is most likely going to make sure she gets back to the dorms, so I don’t wait and start to leave when Blaise stops me.

“Hey, gorgeous.” He pulls me against him, and I smile up into his eyes, tracking the sweat that drips down his face.

“Great game today.” I whisper to him. My heart does a little flip inside my chest, leaving me with butterflies.

“Thank you, Brinley. Thank you for being here.” His eyes sear into mine and I feel my heart pounding harder. I don’t know if there is something that he is not saying but it is reflected in his eyes.

Before I get a chance to ask him, he swoops down and kisses me, before his teammates drag him away and I am left again with a uncomfortable feeling when it comes to Blaise. I love him with my whole heart, and I don’t know if he will ever see me as anything more.

A body is just that. Many people think sex makes you closer to one another. I only half agree. I think showing a person who you are, loving them every day, and choosing to include them like they include you is love.

I walk off of the field and start heading back to the school when I am yanked again. Thinking it is Blaise, I turn to smile, only it’s not Blaise.

“Hey, Brin.”

Chapter Ten

My eyes meet Vince’s and I pull away from him, only for him to pull me back. “Don’t pull away. I came to chat.”

“I don’t want to talk.” I start walking away when he stops me.

“Oh, firefly, you are going to want to stop.” I hear him shift slightly behind me. “Or I can go and kill your mother now and not tell you the juicy little secret that I learned.”

I pause and turn. “What secret?:” The lull to know anything about my mother hits me and it pisses me off in the same breath. I haven’t ever really felt like I knew my mom, and by the time I became a teenager, I didn’t want to know anything. Or so I thought.

Vince walks closer to me and the smirk on his face irks me. “Come on, wifey, loosen up a bit.” He smirks at me as he reaches out to pull me closer to him. “I will tell you when we get married since you continue to try and fight the inevitable. I always get what I want.”

I gulp, knowing that Vince has a reputation. He is one of the most vicious men in Warren. “I don’t think you know anything.” I yank away from him again, only to realize the vice grip he has on me.

“Oh, firefly, how about this? You give me a kiss and I will tell you enough of the secret to keep you wanting more.”

“No.” I don’t want anything to do with him. I try to pull away again not wanting to be near him any longer than I have been already. I yank away from him as more people are leaving the stadium, and I am hoping soon that Blaise will make an entrance.

“Fine, firefly. I guess I won’t tell you about the baby your mother gave up.” I stop stunned and turn around to face him.

“What?” I stomp back over to him. I have to tilt my head back to look at him.

“Due to your behavior, I won’t be giving you that information anytime soon.” He tips my chin back and rubs it like I’m a cat.

“Fuck off.” I snap at him. I don’t want to believe him, but I know better. Vince wouldn’t be saying anything like this unless it was absolutely true.

“Oh, firefly, I will, as you say, fuck off for now, but soon I will be fucking you and that tight little pussy.” He walks off and I sag. The people passing me give me curious looks, but no one stops to talk to me. I slowly make my way back to the school and into my room.

My mind is spinning with possibilities of who Vince could be talking about. My mother gave a baby up and never mentioned it. I can’t help but wonder where the baby is. Are they even in Warren anymore? If they are, what side of the tracks are they on? Was their life worse or better than mine?

All of these questions spin through my head, giving me a headache. The only thing bringing me out of this is my phone pinging with a notification. I grab my phone and see Blaise's name. Smiling, I open it to him telling me he is on his way back up to meet me.

I could use some time with him after what Vince dropped on me. My mind keeps swirling with the possibilities of what my mother did and who she was with.

To think she had a baby and showed no signs of actually having a huge secret. Why did my mom keep me? Why was I the one who had to live with her? I don’t get why she kept one kid and got rid of another.

I text Blaise my room number and it doesn’t take long for a knock on the door. Smiling, I get up and fix myself before opening the door. Blaise is there in his jersey. He is sweaty still, and it is dripping down his forehead.

“Ew, didn’t you shower?” I step back to let him in.

“No, I came right here.” Blaise kicks the door closed and pulls me by my waist. “I wanted to do this all night.” He leans down and his mouth meets mine. His lips move over mine in a slow tantalizing way until I open for him, and his tongue dives into my mouth.