“GAME, GAME. ANYONE WHO WANTS TO JOIN, COME OVER” A bouncer from the club shouts over. Curious, I move over to where a bunch of guys and women are lined up. I get in line and look down at the bouncer.
I look to my left and a guy from the swamps is there and I smile at him, and he winks at me. The one to my right is a female from Skystead and I know she will be gone pretty quick. Rich pricks, the lot of them. The numbers are handed out down the line leaving me with number ten, which means some people already gave in. Once everyone has their numbers, I catch Blaise moving off with Damien. When he sees me looking, he pulls Damien back into the club further and now a million questions are forming. I wait and my number is called third, the next number steps forward and it is a swamp chick.
I smile and down my shot planting my lips on her, letting her taste the vodka. She steps back with a blush and a wink and I giggle. This is going to be easy. A few more people are called before I am again and I step up, down the shot of henny and when I see my partner, I freeze.
Fucking Remington. He smirks at me, and I scowl. I half debate letting the money go until I see the mocking look he gives me. Straightening my shoulders, I walk over to him and see his eyes widen. I yank him down to my level and mock him back. Let’s play bitch. He looks like he will quit and I start to pull away with a smile until he yanks me back and slams his mouth on mine.
I let him have the shot from my mouth as I battle the emotions his kiss is giving me. I don’t know how but his kiss seems to go deeper, and when he pulls me closer to him, warmth seizes me and I gasp against him. I pull back, snarling and glare at him.
His smirk pisses me off and without thinking, I grab another shot and grab him again, pulling him to my mouth, sharing the shot. I deepen the kiss until I feel his cock against my stomach. I bite his lip and back away and he growls at me. The judge laughs, and for a while I keep playing, never getting Remington again.
I am pulled back to the dance floor by Blaise. I want to ask him what he was doing but I also don’t want to ruin the night, and with the kiss from Remington still on my lips and in my mouth, it takes me everything to not think about it.
Moving to the music with Blaise is automatic. I don’t have to think about it. I don’t even know what song is on, but I get closer to Blaise and whisper in his ear. “What were you doing with Damien?”
He leans back and looks at me before he shakes his head. “Nothing you need to worry about, Brin.”
“It is something, Blaise. You shouldn’t be talking personally to a king of South Warren.”
“Brin, please, trust me.” Blaise looks at me with his big brown eyes and I melt for him. He hits a spot in my heart that makes butterflies happen.
“Fine.” I whisper as Haven moves back over to me with a scowl gracing her beautiful face. I pull her closer to me and lean in and whisper to her. “What is wrong?”
“My brother, the ass.” She nods toward where Remington must be. “He is making sure I ride home with him.”
I don't really have an answer for her. I never had to worry about siblings fucking up my good times. Sometimes, I wish I had them but then I think of my mother. She is a piece of shit and would have fucked up their life too.
Focusing on Blaise again, trying not to think about him and what he talked to Damien about. I want to have a good night with him, and I know that it will just piss me off when he won't tell me what is going on.
As the night wears on, I see Damien and a guy that I really can’t place. They keep to the back of the club and I have the suspicion that it is Amir. I have never seen him before, but with the tension between Damien and Vince heating up, it wouldn’t surprise me that Damien would be trying to get Amir’s loyalty.
I dance until the club is coming to a close. When Blaise asks me to go home with him, I tell him no. He doesn’t look happy about it but I just don’t like the feeling of him hiding anything from me. The drive back is uncomfortably silent and anything I think never ends well.
Chapter Eight
Waking up is a pain in the ass and it takes me forever to drag my legs from the bed. Even though last night was a blast overall, I am regretting the decision now. My body aches from dancing, but I know I need to get moving. I can’t risk getting into trouble.
I think the school would like nothing less than to throw me out. It does make me wonder why they accept scholarship students if the school carries such a low opinion of us. Pushing the thoughts aside, I start getting ready for the day.
Quickly grabbing a shower, I rush to put on my uniform and head out to the dining hall. When I get there, the smells make my stomach rumble, but I know from experience after a long night like I had, I need to stick to safe foods, and nothing smothered in sauces.
Haven sets her tray down and I notice the nervous way she is tapping her fingers. For a moment, I almost ignore her but decide to just see what is bothering her. “What’s on your mind, Haven?”
Her eyes snap to mine and she guiltily looks away. “Nothing.” I hear the lie and her body language conveys the unpleasantness she is feeling.
“We both know that’s a lie.” Giving up eating my eggs and toast, I push the tray forward and fold my hands in front of me and stare at her until she sighs.
“Fine, but you can’t be mad.” She stares at me hard and immediately, I think she is going to tell me something about Blaise. I don’t know how I will feel if she does, so I prepare myself for the possible outcome.
“Do you promise?”
Rolling my eyes, I nod my head. “Fine, just tell me.”
Her eyes shift nervously and she leans in more. “Last night I, uh…” I wait as her breathing becomes labored and my nerves are beginning to fray, thinking she is trying to tell me she fucked Blaise. “I kinda, uh..”