Page 11 of Swamp Princess

“Fuck, Brin, don’t stop that.” He moans out between thrusts. My legs are starting to cramp but I wouldn’t stop this even if I was in serious pain. Blaise is letting me mark him and damn it, I will. When I am sure I marked him, I move back to his lips and kiss him like he is the very air keeping me alive. I want him to know how I feel without actually saying the words.

“You’re killing me, babe. I’m going to cum.”

“Me too.” I’m breathless and the moment his thumb runs circles on my clit while he slows his thrusts, I fall apart. My body spasms and I feel him release inside of me. He doesn’t pull out, he just keeps pushing inside me until his cock softens.

We both still and I lean back down and kiss him. When I pull back, I can see he is fighting about saying something to me. “Brin, I…”

A knock on the window startles me, my hands fly to my shirt, covering my chest while Blaise turns pissed off eyes to whoever interrupted. I look out and see the three dickheads standing by the window. Blaise rolls the window down and snarks out the window. “What the fuck?”

“This is private property, swamp trash, and you can’t be here.” I carefully remove myself off Blaise making sure I duck a little to get my clothing back in one place. Loyal moves forward and Blaise quickly puts himself away while looking at the three assholes. “My father owns this property, so unless you want to get your ass in jail, I suggest that you leave.”

“Fuck you.” Blaise says but he starts the car while my mind wraps around the fact that these dickbags are here. How long were they here? “Fuck, these guys. Who the fuck are they?” Blaise looks at me and I shrug.

“I just met them today; they are the sons of the founders of this school. They are in most of my classes.” I shrug trying to gather myself.

“Well, fuck them.” He pulls out and starts heading back to the school. I can tell he is angry, but I want to know what he was going to say before we got interrupted.

“Blaise, what were you going to say?” His eyes flick to mine for a moment, and he sighs.

“Not tonight, Brin. I’m too angry now.” That’s weird. He sounds guarded again and I know I won’t get more from him. We travel in silence with his hand on my leg and when we pull up to the school he leans over and kisses me. I can tell he is distracted but it still hurts.

“Goodnight, Blaise,” I say.

“Night, Brin.” He pulls away and leaves me standing there. I watch his car until I can’t see it anymore. I miss him already. Turning, I head back into the school, taking my time. Even though I have only been here for a day, it already feels like I have been here for years.

I don’t fit in and I have no friends here. I only have people who think I am trash and want me gone. By the time I reach my door, I fumble for my key, already exhausted from the emotions tonight and from the day itself. A rough hand reaches out and grabs my arm and I look down at the hand before looking up and meeting the eyes of Kingston, the prick from my science class.

“What do you want? I’m tired and don’t have the energy.” I stick my key in the door and unlock it when he pulls me against him, crowding my space.

“The next time you want to fuck your little boyfriend, do it in the swamps.” He drops my arm and turns on his heel and my world drops. He freaking saw us and is just now telling me. Not having the energy, I sigh and just go into my room and close my door. I don’t want to deal with him more than I have to.

Chapter Six

“Today’s topic will be, if you could change one thing in the world to make it better, what would it be and why? You will also express the downfall of that change. You will write a two-page, one spaced compact page explaining your reasoning. We will focus on punctuation and spelling, and I will be looking over the paper to see the depth and the overall context. I want to see how deeply you believe in what you write. Make sure you send the completed paper as a doc to my teacher's email which is on the board.”

I look down at my laptop, blanking on what I want to write. There is so much in the world that I want to change but pinpointing one thing is hard. I tap my fingers on the keys, typing the first line.

If I could change one thing in the world it would be

The hardest thing is trying to find the answer. It seems like the easiest thing to do would be to pick the first thing that comes to mind, but that doesn’t seem right. I end up going with poverty. I would change that people live like they do when they don’t have the money. I would change the pay rate for people so they can actually live, but as I’m writing I start to see where the downfall would be.

Some people are just lazy and don’t want to work. Even if we implement higher standards of pay making it so people aren’t just living to work, then there are people who still would refuse to work, forcing their children to live that way too.

I am so engrossed in my writing that class flies by quickly. After sending my paper off to the teacher, I finally feel his eyes on me. “What?”

I turn my head now to fully focus on the asshole next to me. Remington glares in my direction and refuses to say anything. Turning back to the front, I try to focus on the teacher again. When he finally dismisses us, I go to get up but I am shoved from behind.

“Move, swamp bitch.” Remington sneers at me. My arm flies forward dropping everything in my hands and sending my laptop skidding across the floor. The remaining students don’t take long before they start laughing. No one moves to help me which doesn’t surprise me, seeing as they are SO welcoming of people from the swamp.

They say we are the bad ones but really it is them. They act like everyone from the swamps is below them. Really, when South Warren was divided, I guess you could say that it was partially correct. You have a side of the tracks that is swimming in money, expensive cars, houses, and school. They even have the best shopping malls and foods.

On my side, we have the underprivileged and the slightly above poverty. I never was ashamed of living where I was. I had Blaise and he always made me feel like the world disappeared when he was near me, but here with all these assholes treating me like I am the scum they may accidentally slip on, it grates on my nerves.

I’m still picking up papers and pencils that rolled around when a pair of shoes steps in front of me. Before I can guess what is happening, a face enters my vision. It is my teacher, Mr. Brooks. He smiles at me, and it reaches his gorgeous eyes. Before I know it, everything is picked up.

“Thank you,” I say, swinging my backpack over to put everything in.

He smiles at me again. “Any time. I know it can be rough being the new kid.” I look at him and he nervously runs a hand on the back of his neck. “I know it is even harder being the new kid from South Warren.” It surprises me that he says that though. When I take a look at his clothing, I can see he’s not wearing or dressed in full designer clothing.