Chapter One
Party like a rockstar, look like a movie star, play like an all star, fuck like a pornstar. Baby, I'm a superstar. Pitbull blares through the speakers in the trap house. My white cropped band t-shirt is sweaty and you can see my lace black bra underneath. My booty shorts hug every one of my curves, and with Blaise pressed against my ass. I can feel every inch of him.
I grind on him a little harder, loving the growl he does in my ear. I’m fucking him tonight. I smirk and glare at the jealous girls staring at me with so much hate that if I was anyone else, I may have cowered, but I’m fucking not.
“You’re killing me, Brin.” Chuckling, I lean forward a little and shake my ass on him as his hands grip my hips and sway and bump with my movements, sending lust zipping through me. Growling again, he grabs a hold of my long hair and pulls me back. “If you don’t stop, I’m going to fuck you right here on this dance floor.”
Laughing, I turn and face him, smirking right in his face. “Hmmm, I don’t know, Blaise. I think I may skip tonight. One of your fan club bitches may take you up, though.” I nod my head to the girls, trying their hardest to get his attention and laugh when his lip rises.
Being here is dangerous enough with Vince sniffing around, but I wanted a night out before school tomorrow. We are doing these stupid exams. I feel my phone buzz in my bra and I frown. It’s probably my coked out mother begging me to grab her some coke from Vince. I ignore it. I only satiate her addiction when her murderous intentions threaten me in my sleep. Otherwise, she fucks men to get a hit.
Blaise pulls me against him harder, grinding into me. “These fucking prep bitches keep eye fucking me,” he whispers in my ear. I turn my head slightly and look at them and laugh. Blaise may take a run at those bitches and make them cry all the way back to their little fancy cars and back over the tracks to Skystead Prep.
“Go ahead, playboy. I need a minute.” I whisper and motion for him to back up.
“Brin, come on.” He reaches for me, and I smile while taking a step. I’m going to let him play. I have to remind myself that even though Blaise is my best friend, he's not mine to claim, and sometimes I get really close to blurring those lines. He is vehemently against relationships.
He fucks and I fuck him. I have never been with another and for now, I am content with that. I don’t want to turn out like my whore of a mother. I’m happy with the arrangement with Blaise, and since we live so close to one another, it is convenient.
I head to the door and think about the paper I turned into my English teacher. The chance at a full ride to Skystead Prep. I hope I get it, but fifty people turned it in and I’m probably not what they want. There are better looking girls here in the swamps that they can shine up to fit their image.
Shaking my head to clear it, I am halfway through the door when an arm wraps around my waist as another song starts. Fuck it. I am pulled against a chest, a muscular chest and his hips start moving and damn does he have moves. I smile he has to be from the swamp. No prep fuck knows how to dance like this.
A blunt gets pushed into my face and I smack it away. I want to keep my senses about me until I am spun in arms and come face to face with Vince. I school my face and push him off, but he just grabs me again, slamming me to his body.
“Brinley, when are you going to be mine and stop fucking little boys?” His eyes quickly flit to Blaise and I snarl at him.
“When are you going to stop trying to fuck little girls?” I’m not little, but Vince is twenty-one, and I just turned sixteen, and so did Blaise. We are two months apart, just starting our tenth grade year.
“You aren’t a little girl, though, are you?” He drags me back to him and I can’t help but enjoy the smell of him. “We both know you fuck that one there like a fucking pornstar.”
I blanch. How would he know? “Get off me, Vince.”
“No, I want to dance.”
“I will dick punch you.” I say as the two guys move behind him. His thugs, of course the gangbanger of the swamp would have these hired men.
“No, I don’t think you will. One day you’re going to be my queen and together we will rule South Warren.” Vince is the most notorious gang leader in South Warren and slowly getting larger as he tries to push into other territories. Even the stupid fucks of North Warren know him and some even answer to him. So, why he keeps coming to the swamps and to trap parties is beyond me.
“Why are you even here?” I ask him, actually curious.
His eyes twinkle and where the other girls swoon a little, I try again to pull away. “You really have no idea, do you? Maybe you are a little more innocent than you let on, princess.” He moves his hips again, pulling me closer to him and I relent. He won’t leave me alone until I dance with him.
Vince has his Gucci black shades on and his gold, delicate chain, paired with his dark jeans and his open black shirt that lays over his white t-shirt. His skin is the color of mine and Blaise, mocha and smooth. He has a very neatly trimmed beard, and his eyes are the color of mud.
Most women swoon for him, especially the Skystead bitches. Not me. I can see the shark and the danger he brings. He probably has killed at least ten people for owing him money. When the song ends, I pull away from him, trying not to scowl. I don’t need a reason for him to put me on his shit list.
I’m trying to make it out of the swamp and take Blaise with me. Even if he isn’t mine. He’s my best friend, but I wouldn’t leave him behind. Most of the kids in the swamp never leave, and they turn to drugs and violence or turn to gangs.
I don’t want that for my life. I want something better than the rotted shitty trailer and spreading my legs for a hit.
“I need some air,” I say, pulling away. His eyes turn to slits until they flick to someone behind me and I turn and groan. Damien, ugh, the fucker.
I go to move out of the middle. I know they will fight. Opposing gangs always do. Damien stops me on the way out and I scowl. Damien is my ex-boyfriend from grade school. It was a stupid lovesick crush before I met Blaise. After his dad died, he became a gangbanger and took over for Gun when he died. He runs the same shit through the tracks and does some skin work, and these two are always trying to one-up one another.
Damien and Vince seem as obsessed with me as I am with Blaise, except they tell me to my face and I’m too chicken shit to say anything to Blaise. Vince reeks danger and I wouldn’t go there, but Damien, I still see soft spots of who he used to be, and it still makes me smile.
A slower, sexier song hits, and to piss Vince off, Damien grabs me and grinds himself against me. I go to pull away when Damien whispers in my ear. “Not yet, Brinney. I want to fuck with him, and it looks like the little fuck boy you're always with found someone.”