Nila thanked him, too, and promised to be in touch soon to chat. Malachi put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close as they walked out of the warm home that doubled as a clinic for the pack members and out to the waiting SUV. Acksel turned from the front passenger seat and said, “How are you feeling?”
“You could still shift when we get back to the house. I’ll go for a run with you if you want.”
“Thanks, but I just want to check on Jack and get Nila to bed. It’s been a long day.”
Nila curled against him, tucking her feet under her as Sam pulled the SUV away from the curb.
“You okay, sweetheart?” he whispered.
She snuggled a little closer and sighed. “I’m just glad you won.”
“Me, too.”
The next morning, Nila, Jack, and Malachi ate breakfast with Brynn and Acksel. She still couldn’t believe that she was done with Damien. She wasn’t really sure she believed he would comply with the rules of the fight and turn over the divorce papers on Friday. But even though his dad was a jerk, he was still alpha, and he’d made a promise to Acksel that the papers would be signed.
“What are you thinking about so seriously?” Malachi asked as he dredged a corner of toast though runny eggs and took a bite.
“I’m wondering what would happen if he doesn’t send the papers on Friday.”
“He will,” Acksel said, leaning back in his chair.
He seemed so confident that Nila didn’t want to question him in case it made him mad.
Brynn said, “Worry about Friday on Friday, okay? Let’s talk about how adorable your son is.”
Nila looked at Jack as he sat in a highchair that Brynn and Acksel had bought for their own baby. Jack was going to town on banana slices and strawberry yogurt.
“I hope he was good for you last night,” she said as she tucked a lock of hair behind his ear.
“He was a dream. There was one thing, though.”
“He kept asking for carrots, but when I gave him some, he wouldn’t eat them.”
Malachi’s face flushed and Nila tried to keep from laughing, but she couldn’t help it. Her amusement bubbled up inside her and spilled out her mouth. It felt good to laugh. She felt like she hadn’t done much laughing in the last few years.
“I’m missing something,” Acksel said.
“Yeah, well, it’s private,” Malachi groused.
Nila stifled another wave of laughter and helped Jack grip the plastic kid-size spoon better so he could shovel the yogurt into his mouth faster. “He loves his carrot.”
Malachi kissed her cheek. “Carrot loves him, too.”
After breakfast, Malachi drove them home, and when she put Jack down for his nap, she insisted on checking over Malachi’s wounds once more.
He humored her as she tugged the shirt over his head and tossed it to the bedroom floor. “You already did this last night and again this morning,” he pointed out. He didn’t stop her, though, as she gently poked and prodded where she’d seen so much damage the night before. Although Malachi was a better fighter, Damien had used his claws on him, and he’d also landed several good punches and kicks.
“You saw the ultrasound, sweetheart, you know I’m okay, inside and out.”
She ran her fingertips over the smooth skin of his side. She could still see the deep gouges and smell the blood that had flowed freely from them. Her clothes had been covered in his blood by the time they got to Doc’s, but she hadn’t cared. She really hadn’t even noticed until Sam brought in clothes for them to change into, which he’d sent one of the omegas to their home to gather. Then she’d seen the evidence of what he’d endured.
After they’d arrived at Acksel’s home, she’d checked on Jack and found him asleep in the playpen in the spare bedroom. Then she pushed Malachi into an attached bathroom and insisted on helping him clean up. They’d stayed in the shower until every bit of blood was washed from their skin and then fallen asleep together while Jack slept soundly next to the bed.