“On the full moons, but probably more frequently than that.”
“And he never marked you?”
“No. I didn’t know anything about that until Brynn told me.”
“The marking means that the man and the wolf are claiming the woman. It’s a territorial thing, too. If another wolf sees the mark, he’ll know she’s taken.”
“No one ever messed with me from his pack.”
He leaned back in the chair and drummed his fingers on the table. “Tomorrow, Acksel is going to tell Isaiah that you are not truly mated to Damien, and that the legal marriage is a hindrance to everyone involved.”
She wasn’t sure it would matter to Isaiah, but maybe hearing the words from another alpha would tip the situation in her favor.
* * *
Malachi left his home Monday morning with Nila and Jack in the SUV and drove to Brynn’s house. At the moment, nothing was changing about the guard situation with Brynn. Originally he’d thought he could stop sitting at the clinic all day, but since Damien had beaten up Nila’s friend, Malachi didn’t trust that he’d stay away completely.
“Should I get in the back seat?” Nila asked as he stopped the SUV in front of the house.
“Why would you do that?”
“Because she’s your alpha.”
“Mate trumps alpha.”
Her brows rose. “Does she know that?”
He chuckled. “Of course.”
Brynn and Acksel walked down the sidewalk together and Brynn climbed in the back seat, greeting them all. Malachi rolled Nila’s window down and said, “I’ll be back after I get the girls settled.”
Acksel nodded. “We’ll be ready.”
He rolled the window up and pulled away from the curb. Nila asked, “I thought it was just you and Acksel going to see Isaiah? What did he mean by ‘we’?”
“Acksel knows Isaiah by reputation only; they’ve never met. Alphas stick to their own territory, and Dorlan is far enough away from Wilde Creek that their paths have never crossed. If it was just me and Acksel that showed up to see Isaiah, he might think that we were a weak pack or that we saw him as weak. Either way, we might end up with him bringing his pack here and causing trouble. Acksel is bringing Sam and a few other protectors, along with his dad, Dade, and Hollis, one of the elders.”
Nila was quiet, chewing her bottom lip, which was something he noticed she did when she was worried.
“What, sweetheart?”
“I’m putting a lot of people out.”
He glanced in the rearview and found Brynn frowning. She said, “You’re important to Malachi, and that makes you important to the pack.”
He reached for Nila’s hand and she took it, lacing her fingers with his immediately. He wasn’t sure what else to say, so he let the silence hang between them. He pulled into the parking lot of the daycare first. Nila took Jack inside and dropped him off, and then he drove to the clinic. Malachi escorted both women into the clinic and followed Nila to the breakroom.
She leaned against the counter and he placed his hands on the counter on either side of her body and looked down at her. In a low voice, he said, “What’s bothering you?”
“I’m worried.”
“About your safety? Don’t. Two protectors are already in place here, and they’ll make sure you’re safe while I’m gone.”
“I’m worried about you.” She blinked her big brown eyes at him, and he swallowed at the sudden lump in his throat. She really cared about him.
He pressed his lips to hers, and she made a soft, sad sound in her throat and wrapped her arms around him. He pulled her close as they kissed, and then he lifted from her lush mouth and cupped her face. “I’m going to set you free so I can work on making you mine forever. I’ll be back in a few hours.”
“You’ll be careful?” She chewed on her bottom lip and he gently pulled her lip from her teeth with his thumb.