“I needed to bite something and I didn’t want to bite you.”
Immediately, the afterglow faded and her happiness leaked away with it. “I see.” She felt like she’d been sideswiped by a truck. That he wouldn’t bite her when they made love meant that he didn’t want to mark her as his mate. It was Damien all over again. She’d opened her heart to Malachi and he’d treated her just the same.
He pulled from her body and then sat up, hauling her into his lap. His finger curled under her chin, and he tilted her face until she was forced to look into his eyes.
“Sweetheart, you misunderstand. I didn’t want to bite you because I haven’t asked you to be my mate officially, and I didn’t want to take that choice from you. Once I mark you, you’re mine forever, no matter what.”
She blinked and tears leaked from her eyes. “I thought…”
“Because I’m a jackass.” He kissed her lips and cupped her cheek, brushing the tears away with his thumb. “I know you believe you understand what being my mate means, but I’m not going to rush into things until you know everything there is to know. Then I’ll ask you properly, declare us mates to my pack, and bite your pretty neck and mark you.”
She let out the breath she’d been holding. “I’m sorry, I ruined the snuggling.”
He chuckled and cradled her in his arms. “It’s okay, love. We’ll snuggle after round two.”
Looping her arms around his neck, she kissed his throat. “Thank you for taking your time with me.”
“I would never betray your trust, Nila. You mean the world to me.”
She closed her eyes and inhaled his spicy scent. “You mean the world to me, too.”
When she woke in the morning, she found Malachi on his back on the bed, Jack sprawled on top of him. The footy pajamas were missing, and he was wearing only his diaper. Jack’s mouth was open as he breathed deeply in sleep, his thick lashes casting shadows on his chubby cheeks.
She went up on one elbow and looked down at Malachi, whose eyes opened slowly. He grinned.
“How do I keep sleeping through Jack waking up?”
“I wore you out.” He kept his voice low to match her whisper.
She gave his shoulder a light slap and he chuckled softly. “Where are his jammies?”
“His diaper leaked, and by the time I figured out the diaper he was already asleep, so I just brought him in here. The bedding was a little damp, and I was worn out from you keeping me up half the night.” He winked.
“Thanks, Mal.”
His smile slipped and he looked serious. “You do know that I want him as part of our family, right? You’re a package deal as far as I’m concerned, and I want Jack to be part our new life together.”
She felt tears sting her eyes. “I’m glad to hear that.”
“Someday, when you’re ready, we can give him a sister or brother to play with.”
“I’d like that.”
Her heart actually felt like it would burst. It had been one thing for her to care for Malachi and want to be his mate, and she’d known that he cared about Jack, but because they hadn’t talked much about their relationship yet, she wasn’t sure what his feelings were. In Damien’s pack, males ostracized the pups of other males if a female became pregnant before she was mated. Malachi accepted her and Jack without reservation.
They talked quietly until Jack woke, and then Malachi took him into the kitchen while she changed the linens in the crib and then joined them.
“Oh yeah, look at you, champ,” Malachi said as he sat in a chair in front of Jack’s high chair, cheering him on as he ate yogurt.
“Carrot,” Jack said, grinning widely before shoving his spoon into his mouth.
Malachi looked at her with a smile. “Is he calling me carrot?”
“I think so. It’s his favorite word.”
“That’s cool.”
She busied herself with making breakfast for them, watching as Malachi talked to Jack and Jack babbled at him. Malachi leaned back in his chair and said, “What are your plans for the day?”