“I don’t think you are, either. Screw genetics. Genetics gave me a rotten uncle and terrible father.”
He smiled half-heartedly and said, “Thanks for listening to me bitch, but don’t say anything to anyone, okay?”
She nodded at him and he’d left, but the conversation had stuck with her. Maybe the right thing for her to do was take off. She could walk away from the pack and find a new life somewhere. Maybe get some land somewhere so she could hunt in her own territory and not worry about who was looking at her scars and thinking she was damaged. Now, playing cards with Diane, Kammie was beginning to see the benefits of leaving the pack life behind. It’s not like her mate was in Wilde Creek. If he was, she’d yet to meet him. Maybe she’d run into him someday in the woods and he’d sweep her off her feet.
She snorted, laying down a red ‘draw two’ card and making Diane curse. Shoving aside the thoughts of her current status as an unmated omega, she turned her attention to the card game. She’d find a mate someday and he wouldn’t care that she was scarred. Jeremiah would find his happily ever after too, she was sure of it.
And birds could suddenly fly out of her butt.
Snorting at her dreamy sub-conscious and her snarky inner bitch, she laid down a ‘draw four’ card and Diane cursed a blue streak while she pulled more cards from the deck. “I’ll get you back, don’t worry about me.”
Kammie grinned. “I’m sure. UNO.”
“Damn it!”
Tuesday evening, Nila stood in the bathroom off the master and leaned closer, inspecting her makeup. She always wore a little mascara and blush to the office, but she never really wore makeup because she didn’t go anywhere. Jack didn’t care if she had lipstick on. Tonight, though, Malachi was taking her to dinner for their first official date. Mia and Brynn were sitting in the family room with Jack, waiting for her and Malachi to leave so they could babysit.
She hadn’t been on a date in ages. Not since she and Damien had gotten married. He’d decided she didn’t need things like dinner dates once they were married.
After work, Malachi had driven her to the daycare to pick up Jack and then to Kammie’s to visit with Diane. Then, on the way to his home, he’d asked her to go out with him. She hadn’t even had to think before saying yes; it was just automatic. But now, as she looked over her outfit and makeup, she was nervous. She smoothed her hands down the black dress, the silk warm against her palms, and looked into the mirror again. She’d left her hair down, because she knew that Malachi liked to see it that way, the dark blonde tresses falling past her shoulders.
Stepping from the bathroom, she found Brynn sitting on the bed.
“I just wanted to wish you a good night. Mia and I are going to take great care of Jack, and there are even extra protectors here, just to be safe. Although, honestly, that’s because Acksel insisted on it, since I wouldn’t let him come. Mia and I are going to do girl talk after we put Jack to bed, and I can’t complain about Acksel if he’s sitting right there. Well, I can, but it irritates him.”
Nila smiled. “Thanks for coming. I know you’ll take good care of Jack.”
“After my little guy is born, you can return the favor. Maybe Jack and my guy will be best friends and rule the pack someday.”
Nila’s eyes widened. “Would your pack accept Jack? He’s not… I mean, his dad is from another pack.”
Brynn raised a brow. “But he’s your son. Of course he would be welcomed once you and Mal…you know, make things official.”
Nila shivered. “He hasn’t asked me.”
“Well, things are kinda shitty right now. Mal is a great guy. I’ve known him my whole life, and I think of him as a brother. If I thought he was an asshole, I’d tell you, because I consider you a friend, too. He’ll ask you when the time is right, although there’s no rule against a lady asking her man to be hers forever.” Brynn winked with a smile.
Nila hugged Brynn when she stood, and Brynn said, “You look amazing, by the way.”
“Thanks. Thanks for everything.”
“That’s what friends are for.”
Nila walked out of the bedroom with Brynn and found Malachi holding Jack and pointing at pictures on the fireplace mantel. “This is my dad and mom.”
“You got it, buddy.”
Jack reached for Nila, and she took him, giving him a hug and kissing his cheek. “Have fun tonight, Jack.”
He grabbed a lock of her hair and fisted it, grinning at her. Brynn joined them and said, “Come here, little one, Aunt Mia and Aunt Brynn are going to spoil you rotten.”
He went to her easily and Nila slipped into her coat, which Malachi held for her. “You look beautiful, sweetheart,” he said into her ear.