Page 92 of Champion

“Because I just found out recently, and with Electra, there’s a lot going on. But listen.” I exited my bedroom and headed toward Ally’s. “The media put up some photos of me with them, and predictably it’s a shit show. Knight wants me to get in front of the story. I’m doing a press conference this afternoon, but before that, I have a meeting with Simon.”

“Shit, Champion.” He exhaled heavily. “You are dealing with a lot. How can I help?”

My best friend.

My heart expanded inside my chest. I wasn’t as alone as I thought. I just needed to let those people in. Electra had her protective barriers, and apparently, I did too. But they were coming down today in a major way.

“I need you to swing by my house and pick up Ally. Take her to the Crystal Hotel for the presser.”

“What time?” he asked.

I did some logistics in my head. “Two at the latest.”

“I can do that.”

“I owe you.” I slowed as I reached Ally’s door.

“You don’t owe me jack. I’ll just add it to your bill,” he teased. “But, hey, I’ll consider clearing your entire tab if you reconsider retirement.”

I tensed. “You’ll do all right with Clint Appleton at QB.”

“I so the fuck will not.” He bit out each word. “He’s got no vision for the game.”

“He’ll learn.”

“I’m not as old as you, but I ain’t got time to break in a new guy.” His east Texas twang intensified with his emotion. “You and I have chemistry. Hell, I just look your direction and I know where you’re gonna throw the damn ball. You and I work. Clint’s go-to is that rookie receiver.”

He meant Jake Marvel. He and Clint were a lot like Zack and me, both on and off the field.

I experienced a surge of guilt. Zack was in his prime. Barring an injury, he would break all those receiving records he was shooting for. But ...

“I’m gonna ask Electra to marry me. I gotta make her a priority. Football takes too much damn time.” Preseason training was just months away.

“Holy fucking shit!” he exclaimed so loudly, he scared the Persian.

Sir Cat shot by me in the hall. Even Ally heard him and appeared in the doorway.

“What’s going on?” she asked me.

Oops. Looked like she was going to know my intentions before Electra did.

“Hey,” I told Zack. “I gotta go.”

“This is all moving fast,” he said.

He was right. But in some ways, it wasn’t moving fast enough. I wanted things defined between Electra and me.

“But, man, you gotta know you can count on me. Professionally and privately. On and off the field,” he said firmly. “You feel me?”

“Ditto, man.”

Emotion burning behind my eyes, I ended the call with my best friend and focused on Ally. Quickly and in hushed tones, I explained to my daughter what was going to happen with Electra and me.


INSIDE CHAMPION’S NAVIGATOR, I kept glancing at him. He was a distraction, driving capably and being so handsome.

We’d left the metropolitan area of Dallas behind twenty minutes ago. Outside the outer tollway loop, there were no more planned subdivisions or shopping malls. It was rolling hills dotted by mesquite trees, outlined by barbed-wire fences containing horses and occasionally cattle.