Page 9 of Making Her Theirs

She giggles. “You are all that.” She snuggles into me, and I pull her into my chest.

This woman. I want to know her. Where did she grow up? How does she smell like vanilla, peaches, and sunshine all took a bath together? How long is she here? Who wronged her in her past? Why does she not think she’ll get a happy ending? Not with me, but with a faceless fucker I hate.

I kiss her temple. “You up for sticking around so we can get to know each other?” Code for fuck each other senseless.

Georgia cracks a yawn that must hurt her jaw. The adrenaline is bleeding out of her.

“It’s been a long day.” She looks up at me shyly. “But maybe we can meet up sometime this week? Maybe you can feed me first?” Mischief and intent are in her tiny, hesitant smile.

“Aye, I’d like that.” I know exactly what I want to eat. Then I’ll feed her because she’ll need her strength when I’m balls deep in her biteable, curvy ass.

Another jaw-cracking yawn.

“I’m walking you home.” I tuck her into my side. This woman is not walking the streets alone. Not on my watch.

She pulls away from me, and I don’t like it. I don’t like it one bit.

“Momma didn’t raise a girl with a bucket of bolts for brains. No strangers and potential serial killers need to know where I live.”

I chuckle. I like that she’s smart and independent, but it bothers me. “I’m no serial killer and not a stranger.” I squeeze her hand. “At least give me your number so I can text you later.” She fumbles with her phone which I grab and memorize her number. I tilt her chin in my palm. “Later, and there will be a later. Trust me on that.”

“Thanks for the drink and everything else,” she says, her smile again doing strange things to my balls and that cynical muscle in my chest.

She quickly kisses my closed mouth before I can stop her, then turns and walks away.

Tomorrow night, Georgia. You and me, tomorrow night.

For the whole night.

That’s a promise.

Chapter Seven


I am officially Jell-O. My brain is whack-a-doodle, and my muscles are wilting with each step. Dark blue eyes with the intensity of steel burn into my mind. A confident but guarded face, then an open face fills my mind. Both belong to two brothers who made me feel both protected and safe and made me want to rip their jeans off and do both of them. Together.


Pretty sure Jesus is begging for my soul.

My steps falter. Fatigue, my new enemy, seeps through my body. I’m jittery, my muscles still absorbing shocks of bleeding adrenaline. Knox holding me close while his finger was in my ass. Finn’s hand down the front of my pants. Both men holding me up as I detonated.

What’s left of my poor shredded panties has me gripping a brick wall with one hand and clenching my thighs tight. Because, yeah, I loved what just happened with Knox and Finn. But something’s missing. Something being the length of iron behind Knox’s jeans. Before I turn around, march back, and beg him, I stumble and scurry up the side entrance of the hotel and home sweet home.

I enter the key code. Nothing happens. The red light stays red. I know I’ve entered the right code, but I try again and get the same result. I kick the door hard which only causes my big toe to throb and my irritation to spike.

Wait. Didn’t I pass a sign that said Office? I backtrack. Yes, I did. Lord, please let there be a live-in manager. I suspect the Lord has better things to do than assist a sex-capade woman with help opening their door what with wars and famine and all. A few sturdy thumps against the wooden door yields only silence.


I add another few thumps with Southern-style vigor. Sadly, there is only me out here. I could go down and ask Finn if I could sleep on his bar, but I have some pride. Not much, but some.

Which means I’m sleeping in the hallway.

Stupid, stupid tears prick my eyes. This was supposed to be a fantastic start to an excellent adventure. I walk toward my door, my feet dragging, my body dripping with fatigue.

“Can I help you?” A deep voice rumbles through me.