Page 30 of The Summer of Us

“Sounds perfect.”

They went back to the cottage for a quick breather, then trudged back down to the sand with their beach-bags in tow. They found a spot not too close to the shore and began unfolding their beach towels, setting them down side-by-side.

Paige kicked off her shoes and stretched out her legs, her dress fluttering in the breeze, and Olivia sat down beside her, pulling her sunglasses down onto her nose.

“I don’t mind if you want to grab your bikini and go for a swim,” Paige said, but Olivia shook her head.

“I’d rather stay here with you.”

Paige’s heart fluttered. “Okay.”

The waves crashed gently against the white cliffs, seagulls shrieking as they scavenged for leftover chip grease and fish batter near the rubbish bins. There were a couple of yachts dotting the horizon, their sails forming white silhouettes against the burning azure sky.

“We really need to do this again,” Olivia said as she lounged with her hands behind her head, her long golden legs stretched out on the towel, toes dipping in the sand. “Maybe next year. We could make a thing out of it, you know. Rent out the same cottage every summer.”

Paige's heart blossomed, and she fought to hold back a breathless smile. “I'd like that.”



“Good, then we'll do it.” Olivia rolled over so that she was facing Paige, shifting her sunglasses back on top of her head. Paige met her shimmering green eyes, but neither of them spoke, and for a moment, the two of them just looked at each other, their gazes exploring, open, honest.


Paige's lashes fluttered as Olivia seemed to decide against whatever she was about to say, pressing her lips together. “What is it?”


Paige gave her a slight frown, wondering what was on her mind. Before she had the chance to ask, a beach ball came flying towards them out of nowhere, smacking Paige on the side of her head.

“Ow!” Paige blurted, her vision swimming for a moment.

Olivia bolted upright, her eyes wide. “Are you alright?” She touched her fingers to Paige's head, where the ball had hit her, and her scalp tingled.

“Yeah, I'm okay. It just scared me.”

“Sorry about that, ladies,” a male voice said, and they turned to see a boy not much older than them jogging across the sand, a carefree smile on his face.

“Watch where you're throwing that thing,” Olivia snapped, her expression hard as she tossed the ball back to him with more force than needed, sending him stumbling.

Taken aback by her response, he raked a hand through his sandy-blonde hair, balancing the ball in the crook of his arm. “Yeah, sorry, I didn't mean to.” With a frown, he turned and ran off.

Paige blinked at Olivia in surprise. “I'm sure it was just an accident,” she said placatingly, but Olivia shook her head.

“Even if it was, they should be more careful. I hate guys who think they can get away with stuff like that.”

Paige's expression relaxed, and she flopped back onto the towel. “I'm so lucky to have a friend like you,” she said, her tone absent, but she didn't miss the way Olivia's brows creased slightly.

“I'll always be here for you, Paige,” Olivia said, her voice retaining some of that fierceness from earlier.

Paige cocked her head to face her, her lips parting with a soft breath.

“Well, I think I'm going to sunbathe for a bit,” Olivia decided, the moment entirely forgotten. “Make sure I don't fall asleep please. I'd rather not get swept away by the tide if I can help it.”


“Since it’s our last night here, I thought we might eat out,” Olivia said as they packed up later that evening, shaking the sand out of their towels and rolling them up.