Page 58 of Sinful Desires

“I can leave class early during second,” I suggested.

After bringing her dinner and something to drink, I returned to the cafeteria and slipped into my usual seat.

The following day was uneventful. I let her out as requested and warned her about doing anything stupid—that she’d regret it if she did. She didn’t say much about that, just gave me a dirty look.

Throughout the day, I kept an eye on her from a distance. As soon as her friends saw her, they swarmed her, demanding answers like I knew they would. During lunch, Foster suggested having Aspen spend the night with Hunter, claiming that it was the best way to ensure she stayed out of trouble. I personally thought it was going a little overboard, but at least she was free.

I wasn’t sure how they intended on getting her to spend the night with him, but they seemed to be dead set on it.

Hunter protested against it immediately, stating that he already had two crazy chicks to deal with and that he didn’t need to add a third to the list. Frankly, I think he just didn’t want to be tempted by her. I wonder if Foster knew that she’d sucked his dick after we were told not to do anything sexual with her.

Either way, I had no doubt that this would end up blowing up in their faces. They could be blind to reason all they wanted; but I’d be damned if I was going to catch them when everything came crashing down around us because the plan was idiotic at best.

Chapter 17


My head throbbed from the beating it took yesterday. I’ve dealt with my fair share of bullies in the past, but I have never felt so weak like when I did in that cell.

I lied to Raven and Gia and told them I’d been with Collin the last couple days—which, I guess was partially true. They were skeptical at first, but when I showed them the hickey beside my nipple, they bought it. I caked foundation on the burn marks. They didn’t completely hide them, but they lightened them enough to where they just looked like blemishes. I could live with that.

Classes were the worst. I couldn’t concentrate for shit with my mind wandering to the events that transpired yesterday and the day before.

After classes ended, I took a shower. I still had that sticky feeling between my thighs from the lubricant of the condom and my juices. I felt disgusting—even more now that I realized what a complete piece of shit Collin was. I already knew he was a tool and couldn’t be trusted, but man did I underestimate him.

Washing my hair thoroughly, I reveled in the way the hot liquid felt against my skin and aching muscles. Maybe I was a bit of a masochist because the way the hot water stung the fresh wounds on my body had the opposite effect than what it should have. However, I didn’t like being used as a fucking ashtray.

Scrubbing my body with an immense amount of force, I washed myself as thoroughly as humanly possible. I didn’t even want his scent on me by the time I finished my shower.

Stepping out into the cold, I quickly made use of the towel and started drying myself off. As I busied myself by getting dressed, goosebumps sprinkled over my arms as I got the overwhelming feeling that I was being watched.

I knew it was just my paranoia. The bathroom was empty, and even if it wasn’t, why would someone waste their time looking at me? Tugging on my white T-shirt, I paired it with a pair of black spanks. I didn’t care if my nipples were visible through the thin fabric considering I was headed to my room after this anyways.

Scooping up my belongings, I made my way back to my room where I discarded my dirty clothes in the closet. At this point, there was a pile forming on my closet floor, reminding me that I needed to do laundry every time I opened the door.

I took a seat at my desk and started working on all of the assignments I’d missed over the last few days—which happened to be a lot. Monroe still hadn’t gotten back to me about a tutor, so as of right now, there wasn’t much I could do regarding history.

Just as I was finishing up with my math assignments, Raven was in my ear, raving about packages waiting for us and what not. The closer Halloween approached, the less I was feeling it.

“Go get them yourself,” I said, brushing her off. “I’m starving and I’m not missing dinner.”

“We won’t miss dinner. We’ll just be late getting there,” she defended. “But fine. I’ll go get them myself.”

Raven has been extra clingy today, and I had a feeling it pertained to the whole ‘me being gone for days on end’ thing. I knew she was reluctant to believe my story, but so far, she hasn’t commented on it any further. She slipped on a pink jacket before exiting the room, closing the door gently behind her.

Glancing down at my breasts, I released a loaded sigh. Maybe I should put a bra on. The shirt was too tight against my body for it to be unnoticeable.

Rising, I drifted over to my closet and grabbed a gray sports bra. Removing my shirt, I put the bra on and put the T-shirt back on over it, slipping on some tennis-shoes before shrugging into my leather jacket. The outfit combination probably didn’t mesh well together but screw it.

When I stepped out into the hallway, I wasn’t surprised upon finding it crowded. Everyone wanted to get to the cafeteria early in order to be the first one in line. Food was usually something I looked forward to, but unfortunately, I was dreading going into the cafeteria today. I’d just get there, eat, and then leave. My spiraling was cut short when an arm snaked around my shoulders causing me to tense up immediately. The familiar scent of cinnamon and spice penetrated my nostrils, causing me to grind my teeth together.

“Nice ass,” he whispered, amusement evident in his voice.

I shrugged away from him, but his grip tightened around me preventing that from happening. “What do you want, Collin?” I snapped in annoyance.

“What makes you think I want something?”

A few people passing by looked in our direction with curious expressions. My face began to heat from both frustration and embarrassment. I really didn’t want anyone to know we hooked up, or to suspect that anything non-platonic was going on between us.