My breath caught in my throat as I watched the interaction. Foster was usually able to keep a level head in most situations, but not when it had to do with females. Sometimes he just couldn’t control himself, and getting kicked out of here or worse would destroy our little side hustle.
To Foster’s credit, he just gritted his teeth and remained silent. As if she was testing him, her red lips tilted into a smirk as she reached for the phone on her desk and pressed it to her ear.
“Send in Noah and Carlos,” she ordered, placing the device back down on the desk.
She looked between the three of us, the tension in the room thickening. While she appeared lady-like and well put together, she was as unhinged as the three of us standing here now. If she didn’t get her way, then it always made her want it more, and she’d do anything to ensure that she got it in the end.
“Isn’t there usually four of you?” She inquired with furrowed brows—the Botox doing wonders to keep her face from crinkling.
Annoyance bubbled inside me. Why did she care where Myles was? “He wasn’t feeling well,” I clipped, hoping it would get her to shut the hell up.
She frowned as her predatory gaze swept across us once more. It felt like she was a shark, and we were her minnows. In the end, her eyes settled on Collin. Despite him being the youngest of us all, he was the one she was obsessed with. He’d only just turned eighteen, and even before he had been, they were still fucking.
“And you,” she purred, sashaying over to where he stood. “I’m disappointed in you.”
He painted on his best panty-dropping smile and dropped his eyelids a smidge, giving off his best I’m sexy and I know it look. If you didn’t know him, the look was actually convincing.
When we first started coming here, Talissa was hesitant about letting us in due to the fact that Collin was still a minor. But he was so high at the time that he seduced our way in, and he’s been trapped under her thumb ever since.
“And why’s that?” he rumbled in a low tone.
Her eyes dilated as she looked him up and down for the millionth time today, a feline smile twisting her thin lips. “I expected you to call me by now. It’s been like three weeks.” She reached out, running her index finger from the collar of his green hoodie to the chest of it.
The only indicator of him even being uncomfortable was the slight twitch of his nose. Collin was a good actor and forced himself to lean into her touch in a natural manner as his tongue slid across his lips sensually.
“I didn’t know you wanted me to.”
I glanced over at Foster whose face was all scrunched up in utter disgust. I choked down my laughter, not wanting to draw any attention to either of us.
Before anymore flirting could commence, Collin was saved by the door opening. Two bulky men that we’d only seen a few times stepped inside—one of them carrying a large suitcase.
“Set it on the desk,” Talissa instructed, peeling her attention away from Collin. His shoulders visibly relaxed as relief consumed him and I couldn’t help but feel a small amount of pity for him right now. He might have gotten himself into this mess, but I’m pretty sure he didn’t expect it to be a continuous thing when he made the proposal.
Talissa wasn’t ugly, but she wasn’t that attractive either. It also didn’t help that she had over twenty years on us.
The men followed orders and placed the suitcase on her desk. We all gathered around it, more than ready to get the fuck out of here. Foster strode forward and dropped the cash on the wood. Meatheads one and two were quick snatching it up and sifting through it, despite already knowing we weren’t stupid enough to screw them over.
“It’s all there,” Carlos announced, handing it over to Talissa. She graciously accepted it, moving over to a file cabinet where she locked it inside for the time being.
Foster grabbed the suitcase and immediately started for the door. Collin winked at Talissa giving her some half assed assurance about calling her and coming to visit her soon or whatever. Both of which probably wouldn’t happen. I followed after them, sucking in a huge breath of air once we’d safely exited her office.
None of us said anything until we were outside with the fresh, autumn breeze flooding through our systems.
“That was fucking nauseating,” Foster grumbled.
I smirked in response. “You weren’t exactly good at hiding what you thought.”
“It’s hard to pretend that she’s anything other than a predator,” he retorted, a darkness clouding his features as his eyes grew vacant.
Collin just rolled his eyes as if this entire conversation was beneath him. “It could have been worse,” he pointed out. “She might have taken me right there had you guys not been in the room.” He shuddered for dramatic effect. “Maybe even then.”
My stomach churned as that thought settled into my brain. Foster wouldn’t have just watched that happen. Sometimes he surprised me with what he was willing to put up with given his nature, but there was no way in hell that he’d just sit back and watch that. Especially knowing that Collin didn’t even want to do it.
“Well thank fuck her lackeys walked in then,” I chipped in with a shake of my head as we moved toward Foster’s truck and clambered inside.
By the time we got back to the academy, Jessica was perched on the edge of my bed waiting for me. As soon as I’d stepped into my room and closed the door, her soft features twisted into accusation and rage.
“Where the hell have you been?” She snapped as soon as the door closed behind me.