Forcing a small smile, I nodded and settled back into the sofa, willing my nerves to calm down. Once I consumed more alcohol, I’d feel better.
“I’ll start,” Jax offered. “I’ve only been with two girls, I’ve sucked Rocky’s dick, and my favorite color is red.”
Gia rolled her eyes and tapped her chin as she pretended to think. “You sucking Rocky off is the lie.”
“Nope.” He grinned. “Drink up.”
Laughter erupted around us, and I found myself joining in, my eyes widening. I didn’t know Rocky was into guys too, but I guess it made sense. He had a flirty personality and seemed to treat both genders equally.
Embarrassment contorted her features, but she followed the rules and took a drink. Jax looked over at me expectantly, silently implying it was my turn.
“Your favorite color is red.”
“Drink.” Was his only reply before a victorious grin captured his lips and he settled back into the cushions.
Shrugging, I put my cup to my lips and took a long drink. It was Gia’s turn next. Hers was basic though, and I ended up getting it on the first try.
“Your turn,” she said, scooting closer to Jax. My lips kicked up in acknowledgment as I shot her a knowing look.
My stomach twisted as my past came tumbling to the surface. It was just a stupid game and Avery was far out of reach, but I still couldn’t help but feel like some things were better left private. I could feel everyone staring, and the alcohol did little to ease the panic swimming through me.
Forcing the unwanted feelings away, I wracked my brain for ideas to use for the game. The alcohol warmed my body enough, but unfortunately, I was still sober.
“I have a twin, I’m an orphan, and I want a baby someday.”
Everyone looked at Foster, his face leveled toward me. I didn’t even know he was playing. Drinking games didn’t seem like something he’d openly partake in.
“The orphan one is a lie.” He was silent as he tested that out on his tongue. I’d expected him to accuse me of not having a twin, but I guess it wasn’t as far a stretch as having no parents.
It was stupid, but I enjoyed the fact he got it wrong. It meant that Mr. Know it all didn’t know everything.
“Drink up.”
Bringing his beer to his lips, he slurped it through the mouth of his mask. His costume fit him like a glove. Foster was easily the tallest student we had. He wasn’t muscular or chiseled. His body was actually pretty ordinary. Unfortunately, that fit him too.
Next, it was his turn to go. Directing his attention to some dark-haired girl, he listed off a few things, but I didn’t care enough to find out anything about him, so I looked down at my chipped fingernails instead.
The game got boring fast, and I found myself zoning out on more than one occasion. Eventually, I said ‘fuck it’ and peeled off to fix myself another drink. I’m not sure how long we played the game for, but it felt like forever. Raven and Hunter were still nowhere to be seen, and neither were the rest of the asshole club.
My hand trembled as I poured the liquid into the cup. Maybe I was being paranoid, and it was nothing, but I didn’t like her being away for so long with him. Especially after everything he’s done.
Blowing out an unsteady breath, I closed my eyes. Maybe they made up and were having makeup sex. That sounded like something they’d do.
I needed to focus on something else, to keep my mind busy. Glancing over at Gia, I watched as she nestled up to Jax. It’s been about an hour and a half now, and I only promised them two. If I disappeared now, I doubt they’d even notice. I had laundry that needed to be done tonight anyways, and it would give me some time to breathe and think more rationally. Parties always set me on edge.
Putting my cup to my lips, I inhaled a strong mouthful before depositing the cup in the trash and making my way toward the exit.
As soon as I stepped outside, chills attacked my skin, making me shiver. In other words, it was cold as fuck. Probably the coldest it’s been all year. My breath came out in clouds around me, freezing my nose, ears, and throat.
Picking up my speed, I started booking it to the dormitories. I ignored the bite of the icy wind as it whipped my hair around my bare shoulders and kissed my thighs.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
I rubbed my hands up and down my arms, doing anything to try to get warm. I should have just brought my blanket with me.
Running up the steps of the building, I slipped inside. The warmth of the heater immediately engulfed me, and I leaned against the nearest wall for support while I worked on composing myself. It hadn’t been this cold earlier, but the sun had been out then.
When I was warm enough, I made my way to the elevator and stepped inside. It didn’t take long for me to reach my room and when I did, I grabbed my backpack and stuffed all my dirty clothes inside. My gaze snagged on my blue jean jacket that I’d forgotten all about and I shrugged it on while mentally cursing myself for being an idiot.