Page 111 of Sinful Desires

Turning around, I grabbed my cup of punch that had been waiting for me on a small table that wasn’t easily accessible to others. The last thing I needed was for some dumbass to knock it over.

Unwanted images of Aspen sprawled out over my desk flashed through my mind. My jaw ticked as I struggled to shove them away. Rationally, I knew it wasn’t her fault that she still took up residency in my head, but the frustration consumed me, nonetheless.

This whole situation made me feel like a damn creep. While she was of legal age, it didn’t make me feel any better. I was her teacher. I was meant to teach and supervise. Not fuck my students.

Tilting my drink, the cold liquid seeped into my mouth, helping to cool my body. I added a bit of whiskey in my drink with the flask I’d brought with me, which gave it its own little kick.

Licking my lips, boredom closed in on me. I’d been standing here for the last two hours, and only a few people cared to come get a drink. It wasn’t going to hurt if I just stepped out for a few minutes to get some fresh air.

With that thought in mind, I peeled away from the drink station and made my way toward the exit. Students were grinding on each other as I wove in between them, but I didn’t give a shit.

Stepping outside, the cool air welcomed me. It was a pleasant contrast to the stuffy environment within the building.

“Fancy seeing you here,” a familiar voice purred, making my entire body tense.

Christina moved out of the shadows, drifting over to stand beside me. The short, red dress she wore hugged her figure tightly, leaving almost nothing to the imagination. The neckline drooped so low that her tits were spilling out of it, leaving a heart tattoo on display.

“Is that supposed to be your costume?” I questioned dryly.

Her eyes widened. “Oh, I almost forgot!” She turned and started going through her purse, fishing out a headband with devil horns attached. How creative. Fixing them on her head, her red lips curved into a feline smile that had no effect on me at all.

It wasn’t a surprise to me when I found out that Christina would be chaperoning with me. This was right up her alley. She enjoyed anything that made her feel younger. Even if that meant showing off her body to the students just to bask in the way they ogled her.

She plucked a cigarette from her purse and slipped it between her lips before lighting it. The smoke billowed around us, attacking my lungs and forcing my eyes to water. My hands itched to snatch it from her and throw it on the ground. I wasn’t against smoking, but I came out here for fresh air. Not to be suffocated.

“You look beautiful, Christine,” I complimented, inclining my head slightly in her direction.

Her face lit up comically. “Really?”

Forcing a smile, I turned on my heels and made my way back inside. I didn’t stop walking until I was standing behind the punch bowl once again where I proceeded to down the rest of my drink.

A grimace captured my features as the hint of something powdery hit my tongue. Weird.

Luckily, I didn’t have to see Christina hardly at all with her at the other side of the room, working the snack station.

Out of nowhere, my head started pounding and my vision began to blur. What the hell? Maybe I should have brought some ibuprofen or something with me.

Body aches followed the weird feeling in my head, making my muscles weaken. I knew for a fact I hadn’t consumed much alcohol at all. Not enough to warrant feeling like this.

Horror set in as the realization of what was happening set in. Someone fucking spiked my drink.

Chapter 31


When the ‘real’ party started, I was relieved. Raven made me promise I wouldn’t leave until I’d partied for at least a couple hours. Raven remained by my side until she was summoned by Hunter, and then left me by myself.

Well, I was alone until Gia took a break from her boytoy to come spend some time with me. Her hair was a mess, and her lipstick was smeared.

“You look like a train wreck,” I teased as she worked her hands through her hair in an attempt to smooth it back out.

She shrugged in response, a prideful smirk tugging at the corner of her mouth. I snorted a laugh and allowed my eyes to roam around the gym. An entire side of the room was dedicated to food and drinks—which I would have appreciated more had I not felt like absolute shit on the inside. Just like in the ballroom, there was a dance area here too and a lunge area on the opposite side of the room. It was literally like two parties in one, except this one didn’t come with any chaperones.

Gia let out a humorless laugh, bringing me back to reality. When I followed her gaze, my stomach twisted. Collin and Madison were arguing about something—probably the girl he was flirting with earlier.

Rolling my eyes, I tore my gaze away from them. “He’s pathetic.”

She nodded. “Let’s go get something to drink.” She smirked. “If the rumors hold any truth to them, someone snuck in alcohol this year.”